《Chapter 22》❤shoto... no...❤

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Amelia is put on the bed and hooked up to a few machines to monitor her.

Amelia: "Daddy..? What's going on..?"

Dabi: "I'm sorry baby.. but we're going to be here for a while.. ok?"

Amelia nods and smiles a little before coughing again.

Rei: "..well.. at least she'll be fine now.."

The nurse walks in and looks at dabi "Sir?"

Dabi looks up and sees the expression on her face "..what is it..?"

Nurse: "Is that your mother?"

Dabi nods.

Nurse: "Then can I speak with the both of you a minute?"

Dabi nods and stands up with rei.

Dabi: "I'll be back ok Amelia?"

She nods and watches them walk out with the nurse. They stop outside the door and the nurse shuts it.

Nurse: "Dabi... who is her other parent.. because.. we couldn't find anymore DNA than yours... and a bit more of your father's..."

Dabi looks away "I knew you were going to say that.."

Nurse: "...well... we know who it is.. but.. even though it's messed up... I do have to tell him what's going on.. he's still a legal parent..."

Dabi: "Are you kidding me?"

Rei: "Is there some way we can get around that..? Or..?"

Nurse: "I'm sorry.. by law I have no choice.."

Fuyumi is walking past and sees dabi "There you are... is everything ok?"

The nurse, dabi and rei look at her.

Dabi: "...I don't care whether he's the father or not. He has nothing to do with her. Whether he likes that or not I don't give a damn. He doesn't even know she exists."

Nurse: "...I'm sorry.. I really am.. but.. I can't do anything illegal.. not that the child is technically legal because of the age.."

Dabi: "Exactly."

Nurse: "Sir.. please.. I have no choice.."

Rei: "..there must be some way.. anything.."

Dabi: "She doesn't need that in her life.. I don't want that man anywhere near my child."

Nurse: "...like I said.. I'm sorry.."

The nurse turns away and walks away, dabi turns to rei and she hugs him "We tried...."

Fuyumi goes over and joins the hug "I'm sorry to hear that.. what is wrong with her..?"

Dabi: "They said she probably has the flue.."

Fuyumi: "..oh.. that's not good.."

The nurse walks back in and looks at the family.

Nurse: "Natsuo will be down in a minute.. he said something about coming to make sure of something.. I don't know.."

Fuyumi: "Natsuo? Shouldn't he be in bed..?"

Nurse: "..mhm.. he'll be with a member of staff to keep an eye on him.. also.. they're sending shoto as well.. he should be here slightly sooner since it's closer.. I would advise you all put your masks on by the time they get here.."

They all nod and put their masks on, then todoroki, midoriya and aizawa appear from out of the corner, todoroki is in a wheelchair unsurprisingly and has the drip with him as normal as well. They stop when they reach them, each of them also wearing a mask.

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