《Chapter 20》❤omg..❤

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Rei: "....so that's why..... wait.. does endeavour know who you are..?"

Dabi: "Yeah..."

Rei: "Oh..."

Aizawa knocks on the door. Toga opens it and sees aizawa. She moves out of the way and aizawa walks in and looks straight at todoroki and kirishima, then at bakugou and midoriya.

Aizawa: "First of all.. I'm sorry to hear about your mum midoriya.. second of all.. todoroki.. bakugou.. kirishima and midoriya.. come with me."

They all look at eachother and put their masks on and follow him out. Aizawa takes them to his room, but then he goes back to the room.

Aizawa: "Almost forgot. Dabi. Shigaraki. Toga. I would like you all as well. Kaminari and shinsou I will take you two at some point too."

Dabi, shigaraki and toga all follow him out and into his room. He tells them to sit down and mic takes eri to another room. Aizawa and oboro look at each of them.

Shigaraki: "...why do I feel like I'm being interrogated..?"

Aizawa: "You're not. Technically. I just have some questions for you all..."

They all look at him a little confused.

Aizawa: "If at any point, I or oboro feel you're lying we will get shinsou. So there's no point. Tell the truth."

They all nod.

Aizawa: "Ok... have any of you ever... thought of hurting yourself.. in any way..?"

All of their eyes grow wide.

Aizawa: "You have to say something.."

Toga: "no.. why would I.. I really hope you guys haven't.."

Bakugou: "I..I've never actually done it if that's what you want to know."

Aizawa: "..mhm.. dabi.. answer the question."

Dabi: "...nothing you can prove."

The whole group's eyes widen.

Aizawa: "..I'll take that as a yes.... in that case shigaraki."

Shigaraki: "...mhm.."

The whole group's eyes widen again.

Aizawa: "...midoriya..?"

Midoriya: "..thought of it.. sure... never done it I promise you that.. and i don't plan on starting.."

Aizawa: "..good to hear... todoroki.."

Todoroki looks aizawa dead in the eyes and just nods slowly.

Aizawa: "...kirishima...?"

Kirishima does the same thing.

Aizawa: "In that case... who's actually went through with it..? Who here has actually done it..? Toga.. I believe you... bakugou you too.. midoriya as well... dabi... have you..?"

Dabi: "...maybe..."

The whole group was shocked and some even had tears forming in their eyes.

Aizawa: "...a yes then.... shigaraki?"

Shigaraki: "...I'm not going to lie... I have.."

The whole group was also shocked by this.

Aizawa: "....todoroki..?"

Todoroki looks at him and looks down slightly "...I have.."

The whole group's eyes widen.

Aizawa: "....kirishima...?"

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