《Chapter 22》 🧡Not all stories have a happy ending..bye..🧡

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Dabi: "Midoriya..."

Aizawa: "No, no, no... midoriya... oh no.."

Aizawa turns and runs out of the room, pretty much sprinting at this point.

Rei: "What does he mean..? Why is he so worried..?"

Midoriya: "I don't know.."

Midoriya looks up at them all and they look back at him.

Dabi: "..I think I know what it is.. but I won't say.."

Aizawa walks back in with mic and bakugou.

Midoriya looks over "Kacchan..?"

Bakugou: "..."

Mic: "..are you all ok..?"

They all nod slightly. Then a nurse rushes in "Guys! He's waking up! We got him back! He's here again!"

They all look at her shocked and jump up (apart from natsuo who's nurse gets him in a wheelchair) and they go after the nurse and into the room todoroki is in.

Shoto turns his head to the side to see his family, they look like they've been crying but he is unsure why.

Shoto then goes to say something, but no words form. He then sits up and feels his throat.

Dabi: "Shoto... what's wrong.. why are you doing that..?"

Midoriya: "You're scaring me.."

The nurse goes over to shoto "Can you speak..? Hey.. look at me.."

Shoto looks at her.

The nurse: "Well he's responding perfectly fine.. but... I will do some tests.. I need to be sure.."

They all look at shoto, who seems to be freaking out a little. Everytime he goes to say something nothing comes out.

The nurse: "Follow my finger.."

The nurse moves her finger and shoto's eyes follow it.

The nurse: "That's all fine... mr. Todoroki.. can you speak to me? I can get a board or something.. hold on.."

The nurse then turns around and gets out a whiteboard then turns back to him and gives him a pen and the whiteboard.

Shoto nods and takes it.

The nurse: "Ok.. can you tell me what's going on? I need to know so I can do some checks.."

Shoto picks up the pen and starts writing, his handwriting was a little wobbly but that is to be expected. He then looks at her and gives her the whiteboard.

The nurse reads it and looks at him "I'm sorry sir.. but.. we'll need to do some tests.. as for now.. I will have to tell you you're mute.. you will not be able to talk.. but.. I don't know for how long just yet.."

The family looks at shoto and he is staring at the nurse wide eyed. They then go in further and hug todoroki, he hugs them back and even gets a small hug from bakugou.

Todoroki then looks at them and watches as they talk to him.

Midoriya: "Well... at least you didn't leave us... we thought you did.."

Shoto shakes his head and smiles a little. Midoriya smiles back a little and they look at shoto.

Dabi: "Looks like you'll be working on those handwriting skills for a bit then shoto."

Shoto laughs, although unheard, they could still tell he was laughing.

Another nurse then walks in "Katsuki bakugou? Mr.aizawa? Mic? Come with me please..."

They all follow her out and look at her confused.

The nurse: "It seems that.. um... well.. kirishima is worse than we initially thought... you see.. he has.. something else that makes treating things a whole lot harder.. and the cancer.. it will spread very, very easily.. meaning... we're giving him the life expectancy.. of a week... most.. we have told the parents.. but the friends don't know yet..."

Bakugou feels a tear roll down his face as he wipes it off and walks down the hall with mic and aizawa. Midoriya and the todoroki's who had overheard their conversation immediately felt bad and sad that kirishima would be gone...

A few days later...

Bakugou walks into the hospital with todoroki, midoriya, kaminari, shinsou, mina and sero. Jiro couldn't make it.

They walk into kirishima's room and like usual, he was asleep. They all sit down and bakugou lays his head on the hospital bed. Kirishima then wakes up and turns to him, smiling a little.

Kirishima: "Cheer up..."

Bakugou looks up at him "Not that simple shitty hair..."

Kirishima smiles and directs for bakugou to come in front of him. Bakugou does so and kirishima sits up.

Kirishima: "Now.. I have something for you kat.. I've had this since I was born. My mum decided that I couldn't have it until I was 7, so she gave it to me then.."

Kirishima takes off a necklace thing and leans forward and puts it on bakugou. Then he lays back down "I already know what's happening... and I can tell you now.. you and I both know I won't make it the full week.. so go... go enjoy yourselves... please... even if you're only doing it because I asked you too.."

Todoroki looks at kirishima and writes something on a board and hands it to him, kirishima takes it and reads it. Then he smiles and nods, rubbing off what todoroki had written.

Bakugou: "What did you write..?"

Kirishima: "Nothing important kat.. don't worry... and kami.. I expect you to keep that thing I gave you, shinsou you too.. and midoriya..."

Kirishima then leans down and picks something up then looks at todoroki "This. Is yours."

Todoroki looks at him confused.

Kirishima: "Go on.. take it.."

Todoroki takes the box.

Kirishima: "Open it.. "

Todoroki does so and looks at the object inside, it was very pretty, a crystal. It is red in colour and is in it's rock still. Todoroki looks up and smiles. He then gets out his board, safely putting the crystal down and starts to write on it. He passes him the board and kirishima takes it. The board reads: 'how did you know I like crystals?'

Kirishima smiles and looks at him "I asked dabi."

Todoroki nods and takes the board back. They all do as kirishima instructed and bakugou stayed a little bit longer than the other did.

When they had left bakugou talks to kirishima a little more and then kisses his forehead and says "I love you eijiro.."

Kirishima smiles and then says "I'm sorry kat.. but.. I'm leaving you all either tonight or tomorrow... I love you too.."

Bakugou looks at kirishima, tears filling his eyes and he nods and kisses him again, just a small one on the lips and says goodbye and leaves.

That night.

Kirishima lays down and takes out his phone, it is 3am. He texts bakugou 'goodnight babe.. I'll see you on the other side... love you... take care of everyone for me will you? Bye kat...'. He then closes his eyes and drifts off in a peaceful slumber.

But a slumber he would never awake from..

~1149 words~

I hope this story was good.. and I'm sorry for the sadness in this ending. Bye guys, have a good day/night :)

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