《Chapter 7》🧡So... what now?🧡

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Aizawa looks at them slightly horrified as he realises this is all the truth.. but he didn't want it to be.. that's the reason he didn't want to believe it. Kirishima pulled his shirt back down and buried his head back in his knees, earning two arms to be wrapped around him and a familiar caramel smell fills his nose.

Aizawa: "...well... ok.. we.. have to.. find some help..."

Mic: "....you know we can't... not really... the kirishima family.. they're... way more powerful than us... and even if we did go to the court... we'd both loose the case.. and our jobs..."

Aizawa: "I know... that's the problem.."

Mic: "..but now tell me... has either he or your mother.. ever done anything else..?"

Kirishima: "...I...... it just started off as neglect... than... they kicked my sister out for being gay... and.. then.. she.. died.. and.. then... it got worse.. started as just yelling.. then that turned into mental abuse.. then that turned into physical... then eventually sexual... and.. now this.. is what it's come to.."

Aizawa and mic practically froze in their places.

Aizawa: "....there's only one person I know who's gone through the same thing.. the exact same thing.. the details scare me.. how much alike.. nevermind.. mic.. go get shinsou.."

Mic nods and stands up to get shinsou.

Bakugou: "Exact same..? I thought.. nevermind... he never told us he had a kid.."

Aizawa: "...Now.. this is very important.. is there anyone else in this house that goes home to abuse? Please tell me now.."

Kirishima looks up at bakugou then at aizawa.

Kirishima: "....bakugou and todoroki.... and... kaminari.."

Bakufou: "Dunce face..?"

Kirishima: "....mhm.."

Aizawa: "I'm sorry what..? Bakugou... todoroki? ....kaminari.... oh.. my god.. I am just now realising why he was so scared of anyone finding out..."

Kirishima: "..I didn't know he was until a few minutes ago... but I knew what was going on at home.."

Mic walks in with shinsou and looks at them.

Mic: "What was going on at home..? Who are we talking about now..?"

Aizawa: "Mic... go get.. todoroki and kaminari.."

Mic nods a little confused but goes and gets them. He comes back in with them, leaving mina and sero with eri.

Aizawa: "This many of you... that's... just... ridiculous..."

Mic: "What's going on..?"

Aizawa: "These are all the people who go home to abuse.. all of them.. apart from shinsou of course who has a history of it..."

Mic: "Wait... the two happiest kids I've ever met.. Kirishima and kaminari... and the most emotionless kid I've ever met... and the most angry kid..? There seems to be a pattern.."

Aizawa: "Tell me about it.. take a seat.. all of you.."

They all (except kiribaku) look at kaminari in shock.

Shinsou: "Wait.. kaminari... I didn't.."

Kirishima: "Only I did.. just.. sit down.."

Kaminari: "..ok..."

They all sit down and look at the two teachers.

Aizawa: "Now... we're gonna start with bakugou... what kind of abuse..?"

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