A Masochistic Panda

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~Jin's POV~

After the unveiling of our onsen, it became very popular. Unfortunately for our "boss", we still haven't gain any new members. After coming back to the club, I was interrogated by the shitty koala and the lazy sloth. I try to answer without mentioning my love problems. Luckily, they accepted most of my answers. I try to continue most of my days normally, but when being told that most of the girls you spend time with developed an interest in you, it screws with your mind. I enter the club and see that I'm the first person here. I took a seat and pulled out a book. It's been a while since I read a book and I recently got a new one to start. After reading through a few pages, I suddenly hear some shuffling. I looked towards the sound and I see a seal.

Jin: Hmmm?

The seal proceeds to take a seat right next to me. After further inspection, I see that he is a hooded seal. He starts putting up a innocent facade.

Hooded Seal: Kyuun!!!!

All it did was that he pissed me off.

Jin: Don't play innocent with me. You're a hooded seal now aren't you?

He attempted to do it again.

Hooded Seal: Kyu?

Jin: Like I said, you're a hooded seal right? I know you guys come to age after four days. Now then, state your business here.

Before asking any further, I hear the girls coming in.

Hitomi: Hey Jin-kun. We have Kurumi here today. Isn't that great?

Kurumi: I didn't have anything better to do today, alright!!!!

Lanka: Is that a baby?!!!

Jin: No, it's a hooded...

I couldn't even finish my sentence when they started fawning over the seal.

Yukari: Where did you find him?

Jin: Hell if I know!!!! He randomly came in here.

Hitomi gently picks him up to inspect him. The seal immediately start putting his face between her breasts. A tinge of jealously went through me as I was tempted to grab the perverted seal away from Hitomi. Luckily, Hitomi quickly pulled him away from her.

Hitomi: Wow, he sure is energetic.

Yukari: He was fawning all over you.

Lanka: So Jin, what animal is he?

Jin: Yeah, he is a hoo........

Hooded Seal: Kyuuuu!!!!

Before I could finish, he start doing his cute facade to distract the ladies.

Everyone: Awwwwwww!!!!

The hooded seal proceeds to push himself onto the shitty koala and the annoying cat's breasts. He ignores the stupid dog for a reason but she doesn't seem to understand the reasoning though. I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for her naivety. He is about to launch himself towards the lazy sloth but I caught him midair.

Hooded Seal: Eh?

Jin: Ok, you need to calm down. You were about to kill the lazy sloth.

Hooded Seal: Huh?!!!

Miyubi: Thank you Jin....

Kurumi: Aren't you overly protective now, are ya Jin?

She has this smug look on her face as I try to control the seal.

Jin: Shut up you annoying.... Ack!!!!

The hooded seal bit on my finger. That bastard!!!! I loosen my grip on the seal as he tries to fly towards the sloth again. Thankfully, the stupid dog caught him before landing on the sloth. The seal was starting to look real ticked off but quickly switched to acting confused.

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