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~Jin's POV~

The shitty koala and the lazy sloth wanted to meet up for lunch. I agree since I didn't have anything to do. They wanted to meet in the cafeteria. I walk inside looking for them and spotted them in one of the empty tables.

Jin: Hey shitty koala.

Yukari: Hi Jin.

Miyubi: Hi... there.....

Jin: So what do you guys want?

Yukari: Is it wrong to just hang out with you?

Jin: Yes, cause you guys are annoying.

Miyubi: But... in... the... end... you... still... come... to... the... club.....

Damn it, they got me there. Might as well accept my fate.

Jin: Fine, just because I got nothing to do.

Yukari/Miyubi: Jindere.

Jin: What?

Yukari/Miyubi: Nothing.

They have a devilish smile on their face as they said this. I felt like a unleash some future headaches that I have to deal with. I sat next to Yukari to eat my lunch. I saw her fidget a bit when I came close to her.

Jin: So do we have anything to talk about?

Miyubi: How... about... you... explain... what... happened... to... the... bears...?

Jin: Nothing special. I heard Hino-san screaming, so I went to quickly find her. I found her and the idiotic dog getting attacked from a gang of bears. I caused a distraction so that Hino-san can get a teacher.

Miyubi: Wow.....

Yukari: That's really brave of you Jin.

Miyubi: Yeah... it... was.....

Being complimented by them made my heart jump and causes me to blush. I'm not used to getting compliments.

Jin: It was nothing.....

Yukari: Nonsense, not many people would go against a bear.

Miyubi: You... are... very... helpful.....

Why are they complementing me all of a sudden and why am I blushing? These animals are messing with my mind.

Yukari: Are you blushing Jin?

Miyubi: He... is.....

Jin: Shut up you shitty animals!!!!

After calming down, I continue the conversation.

Jin: So shitty koala, did you talk to your mother?

Yukari: Yeah, we talk about it and she confirms it.

Miyubi: Is... this... about... poop...?

Yukari: Don't say it out loud!!!!

She starts shaking the lazy sloth in embarrassment.

Jin: She's dead already.

Yukari: Huh?

She looks at the lazy sloth who was dead in her arms.

Yukari: Miyubi!!!! Are you okay?!!!

Miyubi: I'm... fine... just... don't... do... that... again.....

Yukari: Sorry Miyubi-san.

Jin: Besides that, have you started eating it?

Yukari: Ummmm?

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