The Confession

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~Jin's POV~

It's been a few days since the school president have visited our club. The fat king, the giant wolf, and the striped donkey came to check up on us. I don't want to admit it, but I am happy they're worried about us. I've been attending more of the lazy sloth training, helping her when she overexerted herself. I have gotten used to carrying the sloth to her classes and the club room. She has been challenging herself to walk out of classroom at least, although she would fall asleep when I would carry her to the club.

Lanka: Thank you for carrying Miyubi all the time. I knew you would be a great husband!!!!

Jin: The lazy sloth isn't as annoying as you or the shitty koala. Can you also stop calling me your husband?

Lanka: Nope!!!!

Don't even bother. It won't go through her thick skull.

Miyubi: Hi Lanka-chan....

We suddenly hear the lazy sloth in front of us for. She was already out of the classroom and halfway to the club.

Miyubi: Let's head.... to the.... classroom.....

Not only was she moving faster, she can speak almost normally now.

Lanka: Miyubi became fast?!!!

I would normally tell the stupid dog to calm down, but this is a weird situation. It should be impossible for her to move and talk this fast. The annoying dog is clearly happy and is spinning around the lazy sloth. We enter the club room as I still try to understand the events.

Hitomi: That was quite fast with Miyubi.....

Hitomi/Yukari: So fast!!!!

Hitomi: What's going on Miyubi-chan?

Miyubi: I was... able to... move fast... yesterday for... some reason.....

Yukari: Wow!!!! You'rerable to talk fast as well!!!!

Lanka: Your training has paid off.

Miyubi: I feel amazing....

Hitomi: Isn't that great Jin-kun?

Jin: I'm genuinely surprised.

Parts of me want to quickly deny that sloths can move this quickly, but I didn't want to bring the lazy sloth's spirit down. I just played it off as being surprised but I felt that Hitomi and the lazy sloth knew I was lying. They ignore it for now.

Miyubi: Is it... possible that... I can... try to cook...?

Hitomi: Sure. Try to cut this carrot.

Hitomi hands the lazy sloth the knife to cut the vegetable. She is able to hold it but doesn't have enough strength to cut through it. The stupid dog and the shitty koala were excited for the lazy sloth to move normally while me and Hitomi try to be careful with her. After finishing up club activities, it was my turn to transport the lazy sloth to her room. It was an awkward silence since she didn't really need me to help her.

Miyubi: Jin.... Be honest... with me.... You don't... believe that... I'm able... to move... this fast.... Do you...?

Jin: .........

Miyubi: I knew it....

Jin: It would be impossible that a sloth can move that fast in a short amount of time.

Miyubi: Even with all... my training..., you still... don't believe... in me.....

Jin: It just that....

Miyubi: I don't... want to... hear it....

We continue to walk in silence after that. We arrive in front of her room and she enter in quietly without saying anything. I walk back to my room with my thoughts. It's impossible for the lazy sloth to move that fast, but why do I feel like shit for saying this to her?

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