Fastest Animal Ever: Miyubi

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~Hitomi's POV~

The teacher hasn't arrived yet, so everyone was talking to their friends. I walk towards Jin's desk to return his book.

Hitomi: Hi Jin-kun.

Jin: Hello Hino-san.

Hitomi: I finish the book. How do you keep all the information in your head?

Jin: I tend to keep some notes to help me remember. Do you want another book?

Hitomi: I would prefer if you teach me directly.

Jin: Eh?

Hitomi: The books are okay, but you seem to know more details about animals than these books tell.

Jin: Do we even have time to spare? We spend our afternoons in the club.

Hitomi: We could go in the library on the weekends.

Jin: If you want to, we can go to the library.

Hitomi: Yeah, that would be very helpful.

Terano: Get back to you seats before I make you extinct!!!!!

I quickly race back to my seat. I feel nervous about Jin teaching me. Despite this, I'm ready to learn.


Class has ended, students started heading out. Jin was on class duty, so he started washing the chalkboard.

Hitomi: I'm going to go ahead Jin-kun.

Jin: Alright then, see ya.

Lanka: Jiiin!!!!! Jiiiiiiiiiin!!!!! I've found a new club member!

We're gaining club members quickly, it's suprising.

Lanka: Hitomi, you're still here. Want to meet her?

Hitomi: Yeah, but we got to inform Yukari-san. I'll go to the club room and tell her.

Lanka: Alright then, the room number is 510.

Hitomi: Thanks Lanka-chan.

As I head to the club room, I wonder who the member was. Is he male or female? What species is she? How did Lanka convince him/her?

Yukari: Hi Hitomi-chan, where is everyone else?

Hitomi: Hey Yukari-chan, Lanka got a new club member to join.

Yukari: Really?

Hitomi: Yeah we're going to meet him or her. Follow me.

We start heading to the room.

Hitomi: 508, 509, 510, we're here.

We go inside the classroom. We spot Jin, Lanka, and a woman inside. Jin was tapping his foot impatiently while the woman is slowly rising up.

Yukari: So is she the new member?

Lanka: Yeah, her name is Miyubi. Isn't that great, we got a new packmate.

I don't know Lanka. I'm trying to be nice, but she looks like a corpse.

Jin: She's a sloth, meaning she can't over exert or she dies.

Hitomi: Wait, what?

Lanka: What do you mean?

Yukari: She's already dead.

As we all look, she is in fact dead.

Lanka: Miyubi!!!!!

Hitomi: What do we do?!!!!

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