The School President

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~Jin's POV~

PE Teacher: Alrighty, let's do some warm ups. Form pairs of two!!!!

Great. I hate dealing with other animals and their inability to listen to common logic. Thanks to my hatred to animals, no one is willing to be my partner. As I see other animals pair up, I slightly get hopeful that I won't partner up with someone.

PE Teacher: Hey!!!! Can someone pair up with this kid?!!!

God, I hope he doesn't notice me.

PE Teacher: Oh perfect, there's someone that hasn't paired up yet. Hey, Mazama!!!


PE Teacher: You'll be with this kid.

Jin: I'll pass.

We stare at each other before the teacher looks at me threateningly.

PE Teacher: Would you prefer to have you eyeballs pecked out then?

Jin: Alright I get it!!!! I just gotta pair up with him, right?!!!

I look to see who is my "partner". I was confused when I didn't see anyone but then looked down to see the animal. An aye-aye huh? Not the worst animal to deal with, in fact, I feel like I lucked out.

Jin: Ugh, no helping it.

???: Ah..... B-But, I.....

Jin: Stop whining. I don't want my eyes to be pecked out.

???: Ah!!!!!

I grabbed his hand and put him on my back. He stays on while we are about to start the exercises. So far, he's not being annoying. I proceeded to do the exercises while the aye-aye hangs to my back.

~Hitomi's POV~

Yukari: Are you sure you want to go by yourself?

Hitomi: Yeah I'm sure. You're in charge for now.

Yukari: You can count on me!!!!

Hitomi: Great!!!!

She's going to force everyone to make poop dishes, I know it. She's been going more public about her favorite food. I guess I'm glad that she is more confident in herself, but that doesn't help us being grossed out. Anyways, I head towards the student council room. Apparently, their room goes underground. After asking a teacher for directions, I finally appear in front of the door. I open the door and see a huge staircase that goes down. I'm surprised no one has even question the student council decisions before. I walk down the stairs for about 10 minutes before I reach another door. I open it..... And well..... I don't know how to describe it.

Mole Rat 1: Here's the file you need.

Mole Rat 2: Thank you.

Mole Rat 3: So what do you think of the budget plan?

???: Looking so good so far. Maybe a few improvements. I need an update on the surface team.

Mole Rat 4: They're at the cooking club, recording everything. The human girl is missing though.

???: Send someone to find her.

Mole Rat 4: Yes ma'am!!!!

Lots of chaos so far.

Hitomi: Ummmmm.... Excuse me!!!!

The whole room turn silent as everyone's eyes are on me. Everyone looks embarrassed for some reason.

???: What are you doing here?!!!

Hitomi: I come to talk to the student council president!!!!

???: Why?!!!

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