Big Sister Ferryl

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~Jin's POV~

The bell starts ringing, causing all the animals to get up from their seats. I also get up and head to the lazy sloth's classroom. She wants to head outside to view the scenery and since everyone was busy, I was tasked to help her. After walking to her classroom, I spot her already out of her seat.

Jin: Since when were you able to get out of the chair?

Miyubi: I've... been... training... don't... you... remember....?

I squat down to let the sloth get on top of me. We start heading outside.

Jin: I remember the idiotic wolf saying that you were practicing swimming during the weekend.

Miyubi: Yeah... I... ask... Lanka... and... Yukari... to... help... me.....

Jin: So how far did you go?

Miyubi: I... was... able... to... go... a... few... feet... before... my... eventual... demise......

Great, she became aware of how much she dies.

Jin: Don't push yourself that hard.

Miyubi: Thank... you... Jin......

Jin: Why are you thanking me?

Miyubi: For... finding... a... sport... for... me.....

She starts to smile so radiantly that I couldn't help but look away and blush. Can't believe a damn animal is making me blush.

Jin: Hmph.

I continue walking to find a spot for the sloth. Then she started pointing at a tree.

Miyubi: Over... there.....

Jin: Down you go.

I gently put her down. She then laid on the floor and started looking at the clouds.

Jin: I'm going then.

Miyubi: Wait....!

Jin: Huh?

Miyubi: Why... don't... you... stay... and watch... clouds... with... me....?

I was going to immediately reject her, but then realize that she can't reach her classroom on time when the bell rings.

Jin: Fine, only cause you need help to get to your class.

The lazy sloth smiled as I lied down next to her and started to look at the clouds. Despite all these animals being around us, it's kind of relaxing. I look at the lazy sloth's face. She looks so relaxed, it was breathtaking. I quickly look up when she starts to turn her head. I don't know what's wrong with me. We stare at the clouds throughout lunch period, just enjoying the silence. Then I hear the bell rings.

Jin: Come on, I don't want to be late.

Miyubi; Wait... for... me.....

I proceed to just drag her and probably killing her. I helped at least.

~Hitomi's POV~

Lanka was discussing about her upbringing as we were holding club activities.

Hitomi: Ohhh, so you grew up in the north then Lanka-chan.

Lanka: Yep, it gets to minus twenty in the winter!!!!

Hitomi: Minus twenty?!!!

Yukari: Don't your feet freeze or something?

Lanka: Nah, that was never really a problem somehow.

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