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(I'm planning on following the manga but then realize that Hitomi encounter the bears in the anime. After the scene, I will follow the manga)

~Hitomi's POV~

I wanted to start a cooking club so that other students can see how fun cooking is. With Jin's support, I decided to do it. Together, we start moving a bunch of cooking items to an empty room.

Jin: Are all of these yours?

Hitomi: Sorry, are they too heavy? I can carry them.

Jin: No, not at all. They're light.

We suddenly spot the pink wolf from earlier. Her name is Lanka wasn't it? She's wearing a horse mask (on her head?), struggling to carry some bag. In front of her was a student walking proudly.

Jin: What is she doing?

Random Animal 1: Check it out!!!!! That wolf is being put to work by a horse!!!!!

Random Animal 2: Pathetic!!!!!

Lanka suddenly trips, falling into the ground crushing the bags she been carrying. The person in front of her turns around to slam a riding crop in front of her face.

???: Just what are you doing? If those get damaged, you will pay dearly.

Lanka lets out a groan of pain when anger started showing on the other girl's face.

???: You're too slow dog!!!!! Move faster!!!!!

She raise her riding crop high, preparing to strike Lanka.

Jin: Hey!!!

Hitomi: Stop!!!!! Don't hit her any more!!!!!

Everyone have their attention on the both of us. I grew a little self-conscious but I continue talking.

Hitomi: Th-Those things look too heavy for Lanka-chan. Can't you carry at least a little of it yourself?

Lanka: I-It's fine, human female!!!!!

Hitomi: No it's not!!!!! This is... not the right way to make friends at all!!!!!

???: You there.... You dare defy the great Mashima Chloe? I believe you just said something about "friends" but this lone wolf, Lanka-san, begged me to let her join my herd, so I simply had no other choice but to let her join as my pack horse!

I start to feel my anger rise as Chloe start to laugh.

Hitomi: Don't call her a pack horse!!!!!

Lanka: It's all right human female. This is my job as the newest member of the pack.

Chloe: There, you see? Just like I said!!!!!

Lanka: I'd rather have been in a pack with Jin, though.

Chloe: Excuse me?

Lanka: But Jin is starting a pack with that female... with Hitomi, right? I know how it feels to be all alone, so I'm happy that Jin gets to be in a pack with another human.

Jin looks surprised at her words while Chloe is trembling in anger.

Chloe: Are you saying you joined my herd even though you didn't want to?

Lanka: No! That's not what I meant!!!!!

Chloe: It appears you need some discipline!!!!!

As Lanka prepares to get hit and I try to stop her, an arm stops Chloe from hitting Lanka.

Lanka/Hitomi: Jin/Jin-kun!!!!!

Chloe: How dare you?!!!! This is not of your concern!!!!! Is there a problem? You aren't in the same herd as Lanka-san, are you....

Learning From The Animal HaterWhere stories live. Discover now