Arrival of the School Idol

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~Yukari's POV~

After learning what I ate from Jin, I was in complete shock. I thought it was a bad joke, but then he explains how I develop the resistance to eucalyptus. It's disgusting that it was the most delicious thing I ate.

Yukari: That's not true, it can't be.

I don't want to accept it. Please Jin, tell it was just a cruel joke.

Jin: You can ask your mom about it.

I realize now why mum won't tell me what I ate. How will everyone in the club react? Will they kick me out?

Jin: Yukari.

Yukari: Huh?

Oh great, Jin is going to start ridiculing me. I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now.

Jin: We're not going to judge you for it. Everyone has accepted you into the club and pack. We all have our faults and as friends we accept that. Yes, even I would go as far to call you a friend. I'm just saying that we won't hate you for your taste. Just don't go overboard.

I'm surprised by how sentimental Jin is talking towards me. I feel my heart beating fast as Jin says this. I'm thankful for how understanding Jin is right now.

Yukari: Jin.....

Jin: Hmph. I'm going now, see ya.

I see him walk out of the classroom. My heart continues to beat fast, no wonder why Hitomi and Lanka like him. Despite his rough exterior, he is very kind and helpful towards us. I decided to head home and confront my mom.

~Hitomi's POV~

It was a new day, new club meeting. We were sitting around the table and Lanka was ready to speak.

Lanka: Everyone!! Time for roll call! Ex Boss Hitomi!!!!

Hitomi: Huh, ex.....

I'm still president though..... Oh well, let her have her fun.

Lanka: Yukari!!!!

Yukari: Here.

Lanka: Verge-of-death Miyubi!!!!

Miyubi: .......

Miyubi wanted to walk on her own, so we let her. That's why she is almost at death's door.

Lanka: Husband Jin!!!!!

Jin: I am not your husband.

???: Nya.

We all look at this newcomer, why do almost everyone we meet always appear out of nowhere? I'm getting tired of these unwanted guests. Lanka starts acting aggressive.

Lanka: Who are you?!!!!

???: Oh, don't mind me.

Yukari: Ah. I know you!!!! Chosen as miss female of the Seton Academy middle school section three years in a row, the idol cat.

???: Nekomai Kurumi, that's me.

Lanka: A cat?!!!!

A school idol huh? It makes me wonder what she is doing here in the cooking club.

Lanka: No way Jin.... Are you a cat person?!!!!

Jin: No I didn't bring her along with me or anything. Why the heck are you crying?

I check on Lanka again and I see tears welling up in her eyes. Is she really that attached to Jin that she will "fight" any lady that happens to go near him? I say fight lightly since the most she can do is just lick them. Sorry Lanka.....

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