Sports Festival

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With summer break over, all students have returned to Seton Academy for another semester of learning. I was walking towards my classroom when I see some people putting up some posters on the walls. I walk towards them to ask them a question.

Hitomi: Excuse me?

Random Animal: What is it?

Hitomi: What's with all the posters being put up?

Random Animal: We're trying to notify everyone that the sports festival is coming next week.

Hitomi: What's it about?

Random Animal: The sports festival is where packs compete against each other to win points. The pack with the highest points will be victorious.

Hitomi: Is it okay if I take a poster?

Random Animal: Yeah, here you go.

She handed me a poster and continue hanging the posters on the wall. I look at the poster for details as I walk to my classroom. Maybe everyone else would be interested in participating.


I present the poster to everyone in the club room to see if they are interested in participating in it.

Jin: So, we're going to have a sports festival next week.

Hitomi: Yeah, it's going to be pack versus pack. Who ever wins the most points is the winner.

Lanka: We have to participate!!!!

Jin: Why do you want to do that?

Lanka: It's time to prove that we are a pack like everyone else.

Yukari: Why do we care though? We have been a pack for a while now.

Lanka: If we win, they have to acknowledge that we are a pack.

Miyubi: I... also... want... to... participate.....

Hitomi: I don't know, I feel nervous going against animals.

Lanka: That's why we're going to train!!!!

Chloe: Good luck Lanka-san, you have the idiotic man in your pack. We will be participating as well. With our teamwork strengthen through the bonds of the cards.

Donkey 1: Heck yeah!!!! It wouldn't even be strange if you saw us married soon!!!!

Chloe: Errr, no.

Ouch, I feel bad for the donkey bros.

Yukari: Don't you need at least five people to participate?

Chloe: Eh? Really?

Jin: Yes, it says it right here.

Chloe immediately took the poster out of his hand to read the writing.

Chloe: You got to be kidding me.

Donkey 1/2: Now what?

Lanka: We could team up.

Chloe: I don't know Lanka-san, I don't want to deal with the animal hater over there.

Jin: Don't want to deal with you either.

Lanka: Are we going to participate in the sports festival or not?

Jin: You're going to make us do it regardless, right?

Lanka: Yep.

Hitomi: Let's go practice then.

~15 minutes later~

Learning From The Animal HaterWhere stories live. Discover now