Male of Female?

188 7 3


We were all called in for an assembly. Most of the people seem uninterested as teachers rattle off new policies. As they finish up, I see a student walk up to the podium.

???: Recently, it would appear that certain students have been forming groups which go against the laws of nature. Everyone, let us all live proper lives while upholding the morals of the natural world.

Well, this is going to be a big problem.


Yukari: Do you think she was serious when she said that?

Lanka: She can't do that!!!!

Jin: Relax, would ya?!!! It's not going to happen.

Miyubi: Why... are... you... so... sure...?

Hitomi: The teachers would have stopped us earlier if that was the case.

Yukari: She's the school president though. It doesn't stop her from trying to ban the club.

Miyubi: Did... she... ever... talked... us...?

Hitomi: I remembered being followed by someone.

Jin: By who?!!!

Lanka: Did they hurt you?

Hitomi: No!!!! They just followed me for some reason.

No way I'm telling them that they were recording me and might have seen my underwear.

Yukari: Speaking of that, some people came with me for an expedition. They were asking questions about our club.

Jin: And you didn't question that?!!!

Yukari: I thought they wanted to join our club.

Does that mean people have been following all of us?

Jin: Shit.....

Hitomi: We should ask Chloe-san if she has seen anybody suspicious.

Jin: You guys go ahead. I need to do something.

Before even hearing our reactions, he immediately heads off.

Lanka: What happened to Jin?

Hitomi: I don't know.

~Jin's POV~

Why are these animals following Hitomi and the shitty koala? Is it because of the school president? As I ponder about our situation, I bump into someone.

Ferryl: Watch where you're going!!!! Oh, it's you.

Jin: Still here? Go back to school.

Ferryl: Don't tell me what to do. I still need to protect my sister.

Jin: What are you doing here in the first place?

Ferryl: I was heading back to my own pack. Why aren't you with Lanka's pack?

Jin: Apparently Hino-san and the shitty koala were being followed.

Ferryl: Why are you here instead of protecting them?

Jin: I was going to investigate who's following them. I need to find the annoying cat to see if she has any information on this.

Ferryl: Speaking of investigation, some animals were asking about you.

Jin: Really? What did they look like?

Ferryl: They were really tiny. I even crouched and I still have to looked down.

Learning From The Animal HaterWhere stories live. Discover now