A King in Heat

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After the whole sports festival, we have been receiving a lot of attention. People have been trying to join our club but realize how difficult it is to cook. Lanka was pretty sad when no one was joining the pack. Chloe and her friends have also gained attention. I see some different people trying to learn how to play the game. They have been going to the library since they have been getting in the way of our cooking.

Chloe: Human, you're going with us.

Jin: Why do I have to do that?

Chloe: We have been gaining more people becoming interested in "Magic. The Donkeying". We don't have enough people teaching these beginners the basics. You owe me two favors, so I need you to come with me so they learn how to play.

Jin: Lazy sloth, can I borrow your deck again?

Miyubi: S-Sure..... Here... you... go.....

Jin: Thanks.

They both head off to the library while we continue our cooking.

Yukari: Chloe-san has been recieving a lot of attention so far, has she?

Hitomi: Yeah, more people seem interested in their card game.

Miyubi: Maybe... I... get... back... to... the... game.....

I look at Lanka and she was pouting for some reason.

Hitomi: What's wrong Lanka-chan?

Lanka: I'm annoyed that Chloe is gaining more pack members while no one is joining mine.

Hitomi: I mean, cooking is hard for animals. Plus, aren't you happy that Chloe-san is gaining more members.

Lanka: Yeah, I am. I'm just sad that my pack hasn't increased.

Yukari: Don't worry Lanka-chan, I'm sure we will gain more members soon.

We suddenly hear the door open and a bunch of lionesses suddenly enter the room.

Lioness 1: Is there a human by the name of Mazama Jin here?!!!

Lanka immediately went into a defense position as they ask for Jin.

Lanka: Who's asking?

Lioness 2: King-sama is asking for him.

Hitomi: Who?

Lioness 3: He's only one of the greatest lions ever.

Hitomi: Ok, but why does he want Jin-kun?

Lioness 4: King-sama needs him for important matters.

Lanka: Well, he's not here at the moment.

Lioness 1: Oh. Where is he?

Hitomi: We don't know. We can help you find him, so can you come later?

They all talk to each other as we looked at them worryingly. After a few minutes, they all look displeased as they start talking again.

Lioness 1: King-sama would be annoyed as this development, but he would be understanding. We'll come back in an hour.

They all leave the classroom as we all sigh in relief.

Hitomi: Now what?

Lanka: We got to protect him!!!!

Yukari: We're not going to stand a chance.

Miyubi: Let's... find... Jin... for... now....

We head into the library to quickly find them. As we enter the library, we already hear some yelling from a corner. The librarian seems to be missing for some reason.

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