Before Summer Vacation

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~Jin's POV~

Yukari: Come on Jin, push harder!!!!

Jin: What do you think I'm doing?

I've been working out alongside the shitty koala since I asked her if I can join. Just like she said, she has been torturing me with her workouts.

Yukari: 20 reps, you have been improving. Good job.

Jin: Shut up you shitty koala. Are we done yet?

Yukari: Yeah we're done with our workouts. Now get up, people need these machines.

Jin: Screw you.

After getting up and changing our clothes, we both start walking back to our dorm.

Yukari: Thank you for joining me. I've wanted someone to join me in my workouts for a while.

Jin: Why don't you ask the idiotic dog, the lazy sloth, or Hino-san?

Yukari: Lanka-chan would only be interested in getting more pack members. I can't focus on exercising without Miyubi-chan dying on me. She has been training but she still have ways to go. For Hitomi-chan, I don't know, I never really asked her.

Jin: Maybe she will be interested, you don't know?

Yukari: I should ask her next time. Speaking of Hitomi-chan, have you seen anything different about her?

Jin: What do you mean?

Yukari: She seems more annoyed at animals recently. She wishes that some of them would quiet down.

Jin: Really?

Yukari: What have you done to her?

Jin: I haven't done anything to her.

I don't remember anything different about her. All the times we hang out, she's been acting the same.

Jin: I'll ask when I get the chance.

We continue walking in silence, just enjoying the peace and quiet.

Yukari: What are you doing for summer vacation?

Jin: I'm probably just stay at home and read.

Yukari: Boo. That's boring.

Jin: Shut up you shitty koala. What about you?

Yukari: I don't know yet, probably attend the summer festival. Are you going to the festival?

Jin: Maybe with my family.

Yukari: We could hang out then.

Jin: Sure, whatever you want.

Yukari: Great, see ya Jin.

The shitty koala walked away to go to her dorm. I start heading towards my dorm where I met the cat.

Kurumi: Nya.

Jin: What do you want you annoying cat?

Kurumi: Remember our deal Jin.

Jin: Fucking hell.

The reason why I have a deal with the cat in the first place is that she saw the whole ordeal with the horse and she was going to tell our whole club if I didn't listen to her.

Jin: Why do you even want to stay in my room?

Kurumi: It's because I like it here. It so comfortable and you give me tuna.

Jin: Because you force me to do it.

The cat starts to sleep in the corner of my bed. I sigh deeply and prepare to take a shower. I locked my bathroom door just in case the cat gets any idea. After that, I fall asleep on the other side of my bed. It's annoying to deal with this cat.

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