Meeting Yukari

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~Hitomi's POV~

I'm waiting patiently for Jin as we meet up for lunch. He decided that we should eat outside for more peace and quiet from the "damn beasts".  As I wait, I see him walking towards me. He's reading a book on something.

Hitomi: Hi Jin-kun.

Jin: Hey Hino-san. How are you doing?

Hitomi: I'm doing fine. What's the book about?

He sits next to me as he starts explaining.

Jin: It's a book on hyenas. I saw some walking around so I needed to review on them again. So, are you ready to start learning?

Hitomi: Yes, I'm ready!!!!!

Jin: You seem excited. Do you have any animals you want to learn?

Hitomi: Now that we're in Lanka-chan's pack, I want to start learning about wolves.

Jin looks surprise at my answer. What's so shocking about it? He looks around his jacket before pulling out a book.

Jin: I don't know why you want to help that annoying dog, but here's the book on wolves.

I take the book while I try to improve Jin's attitude towards Lanka.

Hitomi: Thanks Jin-kun, but can you try to be nicer to Lanka-chan? You're too harsh on her.

Harsh wouldn't even describe his behavior towards Lanka. Jin tries to hide his annoyance but then takes a deep breath.

Jin: I can try. Don't expect much from me though.

Hitomi: That's all I ask for Jin-kun.

I see him blush for a bit before looking away. I smile at his reaction before we hear the yells of a pink wolf.

Lanka: Jin!!!! Jin!!!! Jin!!!!

I see Lanka run into Jin as he tries to stop her from licking. He fails as Lanka proceeds to slobber all over him. I spot some animals gossiping on them but they don't seem to notice as Jin tries to get Lanka off.

Jin: Get off me!!!!!

Lanka: That's not how you treat your wife!!!!!

Jin: I am not your husband!!!!!

I laugh at their antics as they continue arguing. I start my long read on the book while the two make a ruckus.


I start teaching Jin a new dish to make as we wait for Lanka to come. I read through half the book at lunch where I got an idea on a dish for Lanka.

Jin: Do you have any questions on the book so far?

Hitomi: I do. I know that wolves are carnivores, but are they able to eat plants?

Jin: Actually, yes. Surprisingly, they will eat some vegetables, but not as often.

Hitomi: Great, that's all I need to know.

Before Jin could speak, we were interrupted by the entrance of Lanka.

Lanka: Jin!!!!!

Lanka jump into the air towards Jin. Before she could lick Jin, he catches her before quickly throwing her off.

Lanka: Eh? Why are you rejecting my love?

Jin: Shut up already. What are you even doing here in the first place?

Lanka: What are you talking about? I need to look after my pack. As a leader, one must care for their packmates.

She stands there proudly after her statement. Jin looks exhausted already. Before he could say anything, I took over.

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