Summer Festival

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~Jin's POV~

It's been a couple of weeks since summer vacation have started. I have been doing a part time job to earn some money, spending time with my parents, and catching up on some books I've been meaning to read. Right now, we're buying some groceries along with things that we need.

Mr.Mazama: Hey son, would you mind getting shampoo and body wash?

Jin: Sure, I'll get it.

I walk towards the aisle filled with shampoo. I quickly find the shampoo when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Jin: What do you wa.......?

I look at the person who had their hand on me. It was a brown haired women who was moving slowly and had algae on her head.

???: Would... you... mind...getting... the... shampoo... over... there...?

She pointed at a shampoo on the very top of the shelf. I got it for her and gave it to her.

???: Thank... you... so... much... sir.....

As she was walking away when she over exerted and died. Yep, she's a sloth alright.

Jin: Ma'am, are you okay?

???: Honey...!! Where... are... you...?!

As I was bringing her up, another women came over with a sloth hanging over her back. We were all staring at each other as I was helping her out. I noticed the women in front of me.

Jin: Lazy sloth?!!!

Miyubi: Jin...?!!!

???: How... dare... you... call... my... daughter... lazy...!!!

I pissed off the sloth when the women wake up. She looks around wondering what's happening right now.

Miyubi: You... okay... mom?

I realized that both of these sloths are the lazy sloth's parents.

Mrs.Shishio: Yeah..., I'm... okay.... This... man... helped... me....

The lazy sloth looked suprised by my actions. I was about to ask her a question when my parents interrupted the conversation.

Mrs.Mazama: What's taking so long?

My parents saw me with the lazy sloth's family. They look confused as I would try to avoid animals.

Mr.Mazama: So son, who are these people?

~5 minutes later~

After some quick introductions, we plan on meeting over for lunch on Saturday. As we drive back, my parents interrogated me.

Mr.Mazama: A sloth huh?

Mrs.Mazama: And I thought you hate all animals?

Great. My parents are also teasing me about this. Why does everyone seem to tease me about this? Even Hitomi.

Jin: Well...... She's a classmate and a club member.

Mr.Mazama: Any other club members?

Jin; A idiotic wolf, a shitty koala, a mischievous cat, and a human.

Mrs.Mazama: Another human? Male or female?

Jin: Female. She's the president of the club.

Mrs.Mazama: You never seen another female your age, have ya?

Jin: No, I haven't.

Mr.Mazama: You have a crush on her?

Jin. Errrr..........

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