*Request for LunaraLightTaylor* Ben Hardy

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*Author's note*

Wow been a LOOOOOOONG time since I opened up requests. It's just since 2020 was such a SHIT year, and I was struggling to find a job, dealing with BOTH my cats dying, it was all just too much to even think about opening up requests, but here is the first request I managed to get out before Valentine's day ended (even though this fic doesn't revolve around this holiday). Either way I hoped everyone had a happy Valentines day today (whether single like me or you have a partner) I hope this day was good for you.

Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, lockdowns mentioned due to COVID. WandaVision mentioned SPOILER FREE I SWEAR!!!

Domestic life

Ben Hardy x reader


I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, even though I didn't want to. My arms raised over my head as I let out a tired groan and stretched myself out and let out a soft yawn. I then looked over to my left and saw the man of life sleeping right beside me. His golden locks looked like a halo under the rare chance we had a sunny day in London.

His tattoos exposed from his nightshirt, my favorite of course being his lion nose and mouth tattoo. Those soft cute snores that came off his lips (even though he tries to deny it), and his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath he took. I raised my hand up and couldn't help but lightly stroke the shape of his tattoo, very faintly tracing the curve of the nose, sliding my finger down the straight line before swaying across the bottom curve of the mouth.

"You know we could get you a matching set." Ben's sleepy baritone voice spoke up. I looked up at him and said.

"If we did it'd have to be washable. You know how I am around needles." He chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer. "Did you sleep good?"

"I slept great. You?"

"Like a rockfish." He placed a kiss to my forehead and we just looked into each other's eyes. "So what shall it be today?"

"Well you know WandaVision premieres today so wanna check it out?"

"I still can't believe you made me binge the entire MCU movies during our lockdown."

"And you loved it admit it. Hell Benny boy you were in the Marvel Universe. Granted it was solely owned by Sony before Disney bought the rights but it's still the Marvel fandom."

"So after that, then what shall we do?"

"Well we really can't go anywhere so......wanna just have a lazy day in? No work out day, order take out for our three meals and maybe—fool around?" I teased with a wink.

"You are a cheeky mix." He then captured my lips with his.

"Yes but—you did asked me to marry you. Which I'm surprised by the way."

"What do you mean?" he asked as he began to kiss down my neck.

"Don't act stupid Ben. I know about that affair with Joe and your little side hustle with Gwil. I swear it's like I married 3 men instead of 1."

"You knew what you were getting yourself into when you agreed to marry me." He said as he hovered over me.

"Yes I know." He chuckled as he pecked my lips. Then again, and again and again. I giggled and playfully pushed him off of me and said. "Alright you human golden retriever."

"You know that if I were going to be a dog, I'd be a beagle like Frankie."

"Nah you're a golden retriever. Silly, goofy, and loving all the way." I bopped his nose before getting up and headed downstairs to let Frankie out into the backyard to go pee.

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