Caring for Zero; Four/Billy x reader

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*Author's note*

Now ever since watching 6 underground like all of you out there I have been DYING to make a Four/Billy fanfic and so this was born. Now I apologize for the laziness in the main mission idk how to write an action sequence Michael Bay style (even though it's all action and explosions and that's it). So I hope you all can forgive me for it.

Warnings: MAJOR swearing, like rated R swearing, ANGST, some fluff, paralysis (you'll find out I won't spoil it for you), explosions, cultural references.


"But the entire perimeter is patrolled not only by guards but by air fleets." Said Three as the entire 6 Underground was looking over the map of their next missions, well mission and a half, maybe a quarter.

"Wait an air fleet? Why the fuck would someone have an air fleet patrol?" Four snapped.

"Because the guy's an arrogant, cheap asshole that has cause too much military abuse of power. But no worries guys we've got an Ace up our sleeve." One stated proudly.

"And just who is that exactly?" asked Seven.

"To answer that question with a question of my own, how do some of you deal with the cold?"

"Wait you don't mean...." Started Five.

"Oh I mean." One grinned.

"You know she won't do it." Two stated coldly.

"I agree with Two on this One, she said she never wanted a part of this again." Four said defensively.

"Coming from the guy that slept with her." One snapped at him like the smartass billionaire he was.

"Okay wait, wait just who are you all talking about?" asked Seven.

"No more questions, we're going to see her now. Pack the gas jugs and let's go."

With that the group were forced to packed up their stuff from their haunted house in California and headed up North to the Yukon Alaskan provenience. When all they saw was nothing but forests, Seven just had to ask Four.

"So who exactly are we going to see? And did One really mean what he said about you slept with her?"

"Look you'll find out soon but I guarantee she's not gonna help us." Four spoke with a hint of pain and heartbreak in his voice. Eventually after another hour of driving through the endless forest, they soon came up to a cabin that stood all alone in the middle of the woods.

From the chimney smoke came up which indicated that someone was home.

"And here we are." One stated as he got out of the jeep in front. Suddenly jumping out from the woods was a pack of wolves. All ranging from light tan color to pure black.

"Oh shit!" Three cried out.

"In the cars now!" screamed Two. But before they could make a run for it, two charcoal wolves came in front of the team snarling and snapping their fangs almost telling them 'Just try and get past us!'

Soon the pack of almost over 10 wolves surrounded the team and just circled them. All the team members withdrew their guns but it did nothing to stir the wolves out of fear. The pack continued to circle the group and that's when Five said.

"Still think this is a good idea One?"

"Well I could be wrong."

It was then one of the wolves, particularly the large white one came right up to Four. To say that Billy wasn't scared shitless right now, he'd be lying. He's done many dangerous things in his life being the 'Skywalker' of the group, but staring down a possibly rabid, giant wolf was something he NEVER in a million years thought he'd be doing.

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