*Request for emsiierose* Queen

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well here is a request that I just couldn't refuse to do. I think I've gotten the hang of doing the parental Queen fics and I promise everyone that Once I get caught up on requests, I will open them up and then you all can bring in all the requests your little hearts desire. Okay so this is a full Queen fic where you reader chan are the daughter of Freddie and out of all the band members you favor Roger the most (as the prompt of said requestor has spoken). Not really any warnings persay just nothing but PURE UNADULTERATED, TEETH-ROTTING FLUFF. Enjoy you lovely darlings :)

Baby queen's first step and words

Queen x toddler reader



Rising star and front man of Queen Freddie Mercury had just woken up to see the sun blazing in through the curtains of his and Mary's apartment. He reached over to feel if the love of his life was still in bed only to feel it empty and cold. He looked up and saw a note lying there along her pillow. He picked it up and it read out.

Work called in earlier than I expected. So sorry I couldn't stay to greet you Freddie. Have a good day and record a new hit record, I love you Freddie.


He smiled and kissed the note before setting it aside and got up to put on his robe before heading into the next room. The jointed room next to the main bedroom was decorated in pink with flowers and butterflies scattered everywhere (designed by Freddie himself) and lying right by the window was a white crib and as he looked over, there he saw the angel he had been blessed with.

Unexpectedly and unexplainable, in the midst of the early stages of them dating, Mary had fallen pregnant just as Freddie first started off with his new band. It threw him for a shock at first but he was determined to make this work and give Mary the support she needed, and to ensure that the baby did have their father in his or her life.

Then finally on Jan 13th, 1973 their daughter (y/n) Austin-Mercury was born. And the second Freddie stared down at the beautiful baby girl, he was smitten with her. As were his bandmates, they all helped and got involved with helping to raise their niece. Each of them loved (y/n) as if she were their own, but none so much more than the drummer Roger Taylor. He spoiled that girl to no end whether it was for Christmas or just recently her 1 year old birthday. In fact Roger even went to the extend to have a mini drum kit set out for her with her own customized drumsticks.

Even at the disagreement with the rest of the band saying that she was too young, Roger was determined to turn his niece into a drummer, at least before Brian or Deacy had the chance to teach her guitar or bass. With all the love and attention Roger had given her, Freddie and Mary both had agreed to name Roger the godfather of little (y/n).

Of course when he was told by Freddie one rehearsal, he tried his best to keep his emotions in check but when he was finally alone the drummer actually broke down crying (to which Brian had overheard and got a good couple of months of blackmail out of him).

Now at a year and a half old, little (y/n) woke up to see her dad leaning over her crib. She reached out to him and Freddie couldn't help but smile and pick her up as he cooed.

"Aww there's my lovely darling. Oh you're getting bigger every day aren't you? Please stay this young forever. I don't want to deal with the nasty little boys that'll try to take you away from me just yet. With your mother's looks it'll be damn near impossible." It was true, she inherited most of her looks from her mum minus the hair, that she inherited from Freddie. So a tuff of 'long' black hair covered her head.

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