RA: Set it all free; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

And here we go gang. The fic that started it all, the fic that I first wrote after seeing and diving into the rabbit hole of the Bohemian Rhapsody and Queen fandom.  And I don't regret a single second of it at all. Now you all know the warnings from my random teen/child fics but in case you're new there's swearing, cheating, heartbreak but fluffyness of the boys of Queen. Now one thing I finally managed to include is the outfit you wear as the Rock Angel when you first go on stage. And yes I took the inspiration from BRATZ which I DO NOT OWN. They belong to whomever designed the dolls. Anyways hope you all enjoy re-reading this chapter and of course more are still on the way.


It was a typical day at the studio. Being a college student doing an internship is a luck of the draw, getting that one in a million chance of interning under the biggest band in the world like Queen. That's practically almost damned near impossible. But yet here I am.

Jim Beach or as Freddie likes to call him "Miami" hired me to help assist with the band during recording sessions as well as 3 weeks of touring with them. While being their intern, I got pretty close with the guys, I looked up to them as not only my mentors for music and songwriting (since I play and sing a little bit but never really had the confidence to perform in front of a live audience) but they became like 4 big brothers to me.

Sadly however tomorrow would be last day of the internship before the next world tour of Queen, which meant I wouldn't see the guys until 6 months until then. So I tried to make do with the time I had with the guys left.

I was currently lying on the couch watching Deaky do his solo bass recording for their current next smash hit. Once he was done he asked.

"How was that?"

"Let us turn to our younger audience for approval," Brian said into the mic so that Deaky could hear it. The boys then turned toward me. Of course me being a college student, they always wanted a "younger" persons perspective just to see if young people like me would bang their heads, or drum on their attiring wheels while the song played on the radio.

"What do you say darling? Will your people love it?" asked Freddie.

"Oh um please hold," I played along and made my hands into a phone and then said in my best snotty business voice, "Queen it's the Grammy's you've just won the awards for Best Producers, Best Vocal performance in a duo/group and Best song of the year."

"Oh darling you are too kind!" Freddie praised.

"In all seriousness it was great guys, you don't have to always rely on me to be the barrier you need. Your breakout for Bohemian Rhapsody already proved your musical talents. Much better than 'I'm in love with my car'."

"Watch it squirt, I was just starting to like you" Roger threatened. I stuck my tongue at him playfully giggling.

For the rest of the day, it continued on watching the guys record again and again until it was up to Freddie's image. Once the recording was done, the guys were now just lounging around drinking some beers while I was packing up to head back to my apartment.

"Okay guys, I'm about to take off." I said.

"Oh come now (y/n) darling, stay for a while and have a couple of drinks with us" suggested Freddie.

"I can't Fred, I've got an early class tomorrow and a shit ton of homework, if I miss this bus right now I'm officially gonna be late for classes tomorrow."

"But love tomorrow's your last day with us, and after that we won't see you for years." I went to argue when Brian interjected.

"It'll only be six months Fred. Go on love, you're free to go. We'll see you tomorrow."

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