RA: Wedding preparations; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

Okay first of all I apologize IMMENSELY for lack of updates. So many things were going on in my life with cons, a wedding and finals and stressing about passing my classed (which I did now all I have to do is last my final semester and I am done with college baby WOOOOOO!!!!) But enough of that, I present to you several updates and for the Rock Angel series I just have two chapters for you, all inspired after being a part of my sister's wedding. Hope you all enjoy these chapters and oneshots I've got in store for you all :)


The next day I was on the phone with Jack who had apparently tried to call me repeatedly after getting a message from Deacy about all that had happened the past couple of days.

"Yeah love I got your message."

'Oh that's good.'

"Yeah I even heard about the one where you said you'd bring Jensen and Jared to come over and beat the shit out of Freddie."

'I knew I should've pushed harder to come with you.'

"No, no love there was no need for you to come. There wasn't any point of you coming here along with me to have only 5 days up here and then end up going back to America."

'I know. But you know I love you right (y/n)?'

"Yeah, yeah I know you do."

'I really do baby.' I smiled and then I said.

"Well I—I'll call you tomorrow."

'Okay babe, love you.'

"Love you too." With that I hung up the phone and smiled softly. I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen to the living room where I was sitting on the couch, I looked up to see John coming with another piece of cake.

Veronica had offered to make some cake samples for the wedding. Even though I told her it wasn't necessary, she refused to take no for an answer and wanted to at least see if I would go for a wedding cake that she could potentially make instead of having me waste money on a cake.

"Another cake sample; chocolate Zuccotto." He said as he sat down in front of me on the foot stool.

"Do I really have to try another one?"

"You don't want it?"

"I mean I've already had nine samples already and loved every one of them, I feel like if I eat another bite I won't find a wedding dress in my size anymore."

"Well I'll just tell Veronica she's too good of a baker for your wedding then." He said as he set the cake aside. I playfully shoved him with my foot which made him chuckle. "So you talked to Jack?"

"Yeah. Yeah he just got the yes from some more family members, a few friends and his cousins have agreed to be his groomsmen. Have you told him that you and the guys agreed to be in the wedding?"

"Yeah Brian got a hold of him last night after you went to bed. And I told him I'd agreed to be the best man. Have you talked to Veronica about the Matron of Honor position yet?"

"I was planning on telling her later today when me, her, Nique and Chrissie go out dress shopping." He nodded. "Have you gotten a stylist yet?"

"Jared's wife Gen is actual a professional hairstylist and runs her own beauty salon so she's gonna help with my hair and makeup."

"And how about a song for you and Jack?"

"Not yet. Honestly I don't know if there's even a good enough song that could really help express my love for Jack."

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