Aladdin Queen fic John Deacon x reader Chapter 2; A connection

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*Author's note*

Well guys it's been a long time since this series had been updated but with me finally being done with school forever and while in the process of having free time before I finally settle down on a job, I'll try to update this fic as much as I can.  So I hope you all enjoy this next part of the Disney AU fic. I hope to have the next chapter up hopefully tomorrow but until then enjoy this part.


After losing the guards, I led the two boys towards my little hideout located at an abandoned roof of an old building. No one had lived in it for years, so I figured that it would be my personal humble abode.

"Where are we?" asked the brunette.

"You'll see." I pulled a lever and soon a hidden stairway came out from the wall. The two boys were in awe and I said.

"Come on, this way." I began walking up the pegged wooden stairs till I reached the stone bridge, with the two boys behind me as we entered the building and began walking up the stairs.

"You really live here?" asked the blonde.

"Yep. Just me and Abu. Come and go as we please." I answered. As we walked up the small tower we soon reached my humble abode. "Welcome to my humble—" but I saw that the red sheet still covered our home. "Uhh hold on." I then went over to the rope pully and tugged on it which lifted the blanket to reveal my small table, a sheet and pillow for my bed, and a small pillow that was Abu's bed. "There, welcome to my humble abode."

"Wow, you are quite the sorceress." The blonde stated with a grin. I saw Abu go straight for his pillow and watched as he made himself comfortable while my two white guests looked around.

"Abu! Tea." I hissed silently but all he did was scratch his stomach and yawn boredly, flatly ignoring my request to fetch our guests some tea. "Tea?"

"Oh yes thank you." Said the brunette haired boy while I saw the blonde go up to the balcony to stare far out to the city that faced towards the sea.

"Wow. Now this is a view. And you get to see out into the sea every day? Live like this every day? Ducking the guards, avoiding the law." I looked at the blonde confused.

"You found joy in that?"

"Are you joking? That was the most fun I've had in years. And that includes the Versailles twins." I turned towards the brunette and he shook his head in disgust and whispered.

"You don't wanna know. Also I want to thank you for—stopping that man." Now that I was getting a better look at this guy, it turns out that he was—pretty handsome. His pale complexion made him glisten like the moon, his eyes a unique type of color I didn't know whether they were blue like the sea or green like emerald jewels.

His long brown hair was wildly long but it was tamed almost like a horse's mane.

"(Y/n) wasn't it?" By Allah, even when he said my name with that accent of his it—made my heart flutter. Wait what? Get a grip (y/n) you just met him. Plus you don't even know his name.

"Yes, you're welcome uhh...."

"Jim, and the crazy blonde friend of mine is....."

"Ben." The blonde introduced himself.

"Jim and Ben. From the palace."

"How could you tell?" asked Jim.

"Well aside from your skin color you both are not from anywhere in India. And this is the only place in West India that has an English settlement here. Plus only someone from the palace could afford rings like that." I gestured towards Jim's fingers. "Also that silk lining is imported to. It comes from the merchant boats straight to the palace. But not to servants, at least not most servants, which means you both must be servant boys to the English Princes."

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