RA: Christmas with the Klines; Queen x reader x oc male

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*Author's note*

Okay I have been wanting to do this chapter for literally a year now but after last Christmas ended I had no motivation to write this chapter, but now it's a new year, the story is more developed and over a year old (I started this story literally one year ago on the 8th so thank you all for supporting the Rock Angel series) and now with the final Christmas in the 2010 decade I figure this was as good a time as any to try and get this chapter up as soon as I could. So sorry not sorry for the long length of this chapter but I hope you all enjoy this fic and I hope your holidays are filled with warmth and happiness, and if you're somehow alone this holiday season. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I can be there for you all :)


*Dec. 22nd, 1983*

It was that time of year again. The greatest time of year, especially in England. Christmas time. Just the other day, the guys and I finished our last show before the holiday break and then after New Year's we would be back on the road again to finish the Angel-Queen tour. It was also special because now I finally had me a good boyfriend to spend the holidays with.

Don't get me wrong, the guys are awesome and their families have been so welcoming to me. With Christmas Eve at Freddie's with his party and then Christmas day dinner location changes every year, like last year it was at Deacy's and this year Roger was hosting the dinner.

But it is nice to spend it with someone around my age, and one that I can share a romantic Christmas with this time, unlike back with Adam.

This year however was gonna be different, because this year I wasn't going to join the guys for Christmas. Jack and I talked and he said that it would be a good idea for me to meet his family, since he had met mine.

I agreed to the idea but I won't deny that I was fucking nervous. I mean he's told me all about his mum, step-father, cousins and their family but I was really nervous to meet them, especially his mum.

I had no idea what she'll think of a rockstar dating her son, would she like me or automatically have an image of me based off the Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll motto?

"Yeah. Yes mom we'll be there tomorrow morning. Yep flight's all cleared to go and snow's not to come till tomorrow night. Don't worry we're on the first flight tonight. Mom stop worrying." Jack, who was on the phone, looked at me and made a funny face which made me softly chuckle. "Yes we can't wait to see you too. Love you too mom, bye." He hung up and sighed heavily. I rubbed his shoulder. "I know but sometimes she baby's me too much." He sighed. I giggled as I leaned against his back and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"That just means she loved you so much." I rubbed his back for a moment of silence before I asked him "Do you think she'll like me?" he turned towards me and he said.

"She'll love you."

"How do you know that?" he cupped my face into his hands and said as he leaned his forehead against mine.

"I've told her about you. And she's been begging me to bring you over. Especially since it was made official by the press that the Rock Angel had herself a lover boy." I eye rolled remembering the first tabloid that got released after Jack and I were caught kissing in Paris before the concert. "Hey," he stroked my cheek and we both stared into each other's eyes. "It's gonna be okay. My whole family's gonna love you."

"How is it you know exactly what to say to put me at ease?"

"Just lucky I guess." He shrugged as he grinned innocently. I smiled and as we leaned in and almost kissed each other, the phone rang. I groaned and dropped my head down onto his shoulder as I went and picked it up.

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