RA: You belong; Brian May x reader

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*Author's note*

Even though it's short compared to the other parts of the series, this one stands out as well. Here we have our next individual oneshot with the legendary guitarist Brian May. The warnings besides the fluff are insecurities. No matter what you see in the media, NEVER change your image because YOU. ARE. ENOUGH. You are beautiful and you belong, all of you no matter what, never let anyone make you think otherwise. And with that I leave you all to enjoy this Brian May fic :) 


*August 14th, 1981*

It was one month after my performance at Madison Square Garden and already my name was big in the news. It was also the end of Queen's summer tour and to celebrate on not only another successful tour but also the rise of a new Rockstar, Freddie as usual was hosting a party over at his place.

It was filled with hundreds of people mostly Fred's friends but also Roger brought his girlfriend Dominique and Bri and Deacy brought their wives. Fred came down the stairs wearing a king's crown and a black officer's uniform. As he came down everyone cheered for him as he walked across his house like a true king, he welcomed everyone until he found the rest of the band.

Fred raised his arms in the air with etiquette and poise as the guys cheered and Freddie hopped into his chair and he said.

"Where did our little Rock angel go? She's the guest of honor."

"She just stepped outside for some air, you know big parties were never really her thing." Deacy answered.

"Come to think of it, she's been gone for a while now, you think she's alright?" asked Roger.

"I'll go see." Brian volunteered. He gave his wife Chrissie a quick peck and tried to get through the large crowd of people till finally he managed to get to the backdoor and right there in Freddie's garden sitting on the swing was me.

I had come out for some air, but to also think about all that has happened in the last month. I mean I went from ordinary college girl to Rockstar overnight. And that comes with a lot of territory, I began to think if I truly belonged in this world.

I mean.....

"You've been out here for quite a long time love; the lads and I were beginning to get worried." I jolted and turned around to see Brian standing behind me. "Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine Bri, guess I just lost track of time." I looked down at my feet as I kicked around the grass. I felt Brian come up behind me and gently push the swing forward as he said.

"What's bothering you darling?"

"How can you tell?"

"Because we know you better than you think, we always tell you that."

"That you do." I said solemnly before sighing out, "Which can be annoying at times."

"But you love it in the end, so c'mon love out with it. What's been bothering you lately?"

"That night at Madison Square Garden felt so much like a dream to me. And I do appreciate you guys for giving me the courage to even go up on that stage, you've helped me make my dreams come true. But now—I guess I just....don't feel like I'm the....right image." Brian stopped the swing and came in front of me kneeling down as he said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that.....I'm not.....not beautiful enough. I've seen female artists rising and they all look so beautiful, back when I was still an intern all the groupies that tagged along, specifically Roger's they were all beautiful. Me I'm just....I'm just (y/n)." I stood up from the swing and walked around the garden.

"And what is wrong with that? I think 'just (y/n)' is as beautiful as both the moon and stars themselves." Brian said as he walked up to me. I turned to face him and said.

"But Brian you don't understand. I see all these women in magazines whether actresses, singers, models they all were made to be in front of a camera. As for me.....people would probably take one look at me and probably vomit, guess that's another reason why Adam found Becky. I—I want to be like them. Cause if I don't......then maybe I don't belong—"

"You belong!" Brian said with such urgency. He placed his hands on my shoulders as he continued in a more softer tone, "You belong, with us. You are no different than those women you see in the tabloids. And it pains me when they claim that all women have to have the same twig-like figure and have hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of makeup on their face just to look beautiful. Sometimes Chrissie even deals with the pressures of that, so I'm going to tell you what I once told her. If people just want to be with you because of how you look, then they are nothing but shallow, wasteful leeches that aren't worth your time."

He gently cupped my face as I felt his thumbs gingerly stroke my cheeks wiping away the tears that were falling down my face.

"I know that I'm not your dad but you're like a second daughter to me (y/n), and I know that one day when my little girl grows up, the only role model besides her mother that I want her to follow is you. You are a rare sight (y/n), and I know your own dad would agree if he were still here." I smiled at Brian and hugged him as I said.

"Thank you Brian, I love you so much."

"I love you too (y/n)." He embraced me tightly as he rocked me from side to side and kissed the top of my head as he rubbed my back. Once separating he asked me, "Shall I take you home? Or do you want to head back inside?"

"I want to head back inside, I'm ready." He smiled and held out his arm and I politely took it and he escorted me back to the party.

Once I had entered inside, everyone applauded for me and made a pathway for me and Brian to walk across.

"See, you do belong." Brian said to me. I nodded agreeing with him and soon we met up with the rest of the boys along with their wives and the party was once again in full swing. By the end of the night Freddie proclaimed a toast to my rising stardom and everyone welcomed me into this new lifestyle I was about to partake in. And in that moment I knew Brian was right.

I belonged.

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