W.O.O Queen x pre-teen reader Chap. 9; There's no place like home

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*Author's note*

Well this is it guys, the last chapter of the Wizard of Oz Queen style. I'm sooo happy you guys have enjoyed this series and I thank to those that helped me with some of the casting decisions for this fic. So I will leave this author's note as that and let you guys read the final part of the Wizard of Oz Queen style. And until the next update I have for you all :)


When we arrived back at the Emerald City, news of the Warlock of the West's death had already gotten to the city and everyone was in rejoice at our return. We were immediately escorted back to the throne room of the Great Oz and when he saw us, he seemed surprised.

"Can I believe my eyes? Why have you come back?" Scarecrow handed me the broomstick and I walked forward and presented the Great Oz with the broomstick.

"We've done what you told us. We brought you the broomstick of the Wicked Warlock of the West. We melted him." I said as I set the broomstick down at the top of the staircase.

"Ahh you liquidated him ehh? Very resourceful." The Wizard hummed.

"Yes sir. So.... we'd like it if you kept your promise to us. If you please."

"Not so fast! Not so fast!" The Wizard urged. "I'll have to give the matter a little more thought. Go away and come back tomorrow." He said as green smoke covered his face.

"Tomorrow!? But I wanna go home now!" I whined. We did all of this, practically dying (mostly in my case) trying to get this broomstick and now he's saying he wants us to come back tomorrow.

"You've had plenty of time to think about it already!" Tinman proclaimed as he stood beside me.

"Yeah!" Lion roared as he came up to my other side along with Scarecrow who nodded in agreement.


"If you were really Great and Powerful you'd keep your promises!" I exclaimed.

"Do you presume to criticize the great Oz!? You ungrateful creatures!" The Wizard proclaimed. That's when I felt a tap at my shoulder and I looked up at the Scarecrow who pointed to our left.

There I saw that Toto had pulled back a green curtain and there stood a man in a suit speaking at the same time the Great Oz was speaking. As he continued to ramble on into a microphone and flipping switches, I got Lion's and Tinman's attention and pointed at the man and soon all four of us were staring at the man.

The man turned to us and his face turned to shock as he said into the microphone.

"The Great Oz has spoken!" he turned back to us and grunted before quickly taking the curtain and covering it up as the Great Oz's voice proclaimed. "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!! The Great and—Oz has spoken!"

I walked right up to the curtain and pulled it back before picking Toto up and the man faced me in surprise.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Me? Well I am the Great and Powerful....." he first spoke into the microphone with confidence but he dropped the charade and admitted sheepishly without the use of the microphone. "Wizard of Oz."

"You!? I don't believe this!" I snapped. My friends soon came behind me glaring at the man and he admitted once again.

"I'm afraid it's true. There's no other Wizard except me."

"You wanker!" Scarecrow snapped.

"A charlatan if you ask me!" Lion growled angrily.

"Yes. Yes, yes that's exactly so. I am—a wanker and a charlatan."

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