Legend of the band; AU Ghost!Queen x teen reader

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well this is a story that's been going through my head for a few days. I was originally gonna save this before Halloween but I figure I just go ahead and post this now in case I lost it amongst all my other writings in the near future. So background on this story it takes place in present day and the band members of Queen are ghosts.  Now I want to also put this out, I've inspired the ghosts designs from Guillermo Del Toro's film Crimson Peak. So just type in how the ghosts look and you'll see just why I've made the boys ghosts different colors. 

Warnings: Swearing, death, slight attempted of assault (ALWAYS ASK PERMISSION BEFORE YOU TRY TO KISS SOMEONE), some horror elements?, fluff and angst.


It started off as a dare-pact that my friends wanted to do. Every year around Halloween we try to do some sort of Halloween dare together whether it was going to a graveyard, using a Ouija board, or crashing a Halloween party in one of the upper class neighborhoods dressed as monsters and scare the shit out of them.

It was either one person or we would do it as the entire group and this year we decided to do our next Halloween dare as a group. The ringleader of the group Aaron gathered us up in our private clubhouse (his basement) and we were all gathered around to discuss just what we were going to do.

"Right, I call this meeting of the Halloween dare to order." Aaron proclaimed.

"So what's the plan for this year?" asked Brandon.

"How bout we go downtown and scare the little kids at the daycare during their Halloween party?" suggested Jake.

"No that's just cruel even for us." Said Amy.

"I agree." I added. "Besides you just want to do that cause you're little brother's gonna be there, right?"

"So what? The little asshole got me into trouble last week. He deserves some payback." Jake hissed.

"Alright Jake settle down. Okay so we had Amy and Susan do the Ouija board last year."

"Which I still don't forgive you guys. I swear I think my house is still haunted." Susan said.

"Oh I've got it!" Proclaimed Brandon.

"Lay it on us Bran." Aaron said.

"Three words for you guys. Rockfield. Farm. studios." At that point everyone went silent.

"ARE YOU INSANE!?!?" exclaimed Amy.

"Yeah Brandon do you want to commit suicide or something!? Do you hate life!?" Jake snapped.

"Brandon, why in the fuck would you suggest that?" I asked.

"Oh come on! We've done practically the same stupid shit every time. Yeah sure the Ouija board could do some serious things but never have we actually tried to go to a real haunted house. So why not Rockfield farm?"

"Wait, I don't get it. What's Rockfield farm?" Susan asked. Susan was the recent member to join the horror crew when she moved here from Michigan. Almost no one wanted to speak that was until I finally told her the legend.

"Rockfield farm was used as a recording studio a long time ago. Like back in the 70's. Anyway there was this up and coming band called Queen. You know the ones who made the song Killer Queen?"

"Oh yeah my mom still has her vinyl record of that album." Susan said.

"Well anyway, in the summer of 1975 they went to record their next record. Legend says it would've been their greatest album yet. It could've really made them even more famous than they were. But—an accident occurred at that farm."

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