Chapter 27

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Chapter in the celebration of 23K+ reads and 10K+ reads on the other story 'TRULY YOURS" go and check this story also if didn't yet!!!

I love you all!! :)



Padh lo peeche jaake mujhe yaad hi nhi hai😂😂


Varun: How will I lie to you, yeah she is the one.

Kartik: First be friends with her and wait for some days, then I will tell you the ways to know.

Varun: Don't tell this to your new girlfriend.

Kartik: Fine!

He slept and next day went to college. Avneet came to drop Shraddha with Ranbir.

Varun: Hi Shraddha, how are you?

Shraddha: I am fine. Btw mom you were not able to talk to him yesterday due to dad, now you guys can talk. Kriti is calling me, excuse me.

Avneet: Hello Varun.

Varun: Hello ma'am. I must say you are beautiful like your daughter.

Avneet: Thanks! Tell me about your family.

Varun: I live alone here. My parents are in America.

Avneet: It's nice. What do you want to become in life?

Varun: I am a big fan of Mr. Nigam. I want to become a big businessman like him. And also I like singing.

Avneet: He started singing for me first, you also try it on your Juliet when you have one.

Varun: *blushed and left for the classes*

Shraddha: Hey Varun, what did my mom asked you?

Varun: Nothing she asked me about my dream.

Shraddha: Oh I thought she would question you also a lot as she did it to my old friends. This is strange.

Ranbir: Maybe now you are grown up Shraddha, now you know which friends are good and which are bad. And uncle already talked to him and liked him so maybe that's why.

Shraddha: Well I believe you.

All of them became best friends. They shared all secrets, had night outs and night stays even. Shraddha was also confused about her feelings for Varun while Varun was becoming sure that he likes her, but did not ask her as he wanted to confirm his feelings.

One day, at Shraddha's house:

Shraddha: Papa mom is not there at home, so may I ask you something secret?

Siddharth: Say princess.

Shraddha: How did you confirm that mom loved you?

Siddharth: See firstly our story was completely different. Secondly, you can tell me if you love someone. I have no objection.

Shraddha: I'll tell you if it's confirmed. How to confirm?

Siddharth: See tell me the answer of the questions. Do you like being around with him?

Shraddha: Of course.

Siddharth: What would you say his looks or his behavior and honesty? I mean what do you like more about that boy?

Shraddha: Nature and personality is a way to judge someone so behavior.

Siddharth: Do you feel jealous when you see him around any other girl?

Shraddha: I..... I.... mean a little bit.

Siddharth: You love him.

Shraddha: Really, but how will I confirm his side?

Siddharth: Call him.... that one!

Shraddha: Pop that one? He's insane.

Siddharth: Baby he's your best friend right?


Who is Siddharth talking about?

Guesses will get a shoutout in the next chapter!

Love ya


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