Chapter 3

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Jannat: That poor girl was killed by Stevens.


Jannat: That poor girl was killed by Stevens. He smuggled drugs and also sold girls to foreign countries. That girl went against him so he killed her. He first talked to them sweetly and later on did all this with them. Maybe he would have done the same with you later on but you were saved by Sid.

Avneet was shocked. She did not react for 2 minutes.

Avneet: I cursed him for nothing. He saved me from that bloody smuggler.

Jannat: That's why I was telling you that he is a good person by heart.

Avneet: It's fine. I will apologize to him for my mistake.

Jannat: Don't do so. He does not like.

Faisu: *shouted* Jannat come here.

Avneet: But...

Jannat: Later let me go.

Avneet: *started walking while thinking.... Mind- I wish I could have got a guitar to play*

Sid: *mind- how did she learn guitar? But I will send it for her* Yeah Jannat I am really happy with you both.

Jannat: Thanks Sid, by the way why didn't you tell Avu about the real identity of Stevens?

Sid: Don't say that you told her everything.

Jannat: Yeah I did, but is there something wrong in it?

Sid: She would be full of guilt now. She would eat herself for everything. How can you do this Jan?

Faisu: How do you know her this much?

Sid: I.... Err, nothing much. See to those documents I will send them later. *he left*

Jannat: I think there is something fishy all over this.

Faisu: Yes but I wanted to ask something.

Jannat: Say?

Faisu: Are you free this evening?

Jannat: Yeah!

Faisu: Will you come for a dinner with me?

Jannat: Sure! See you then!

Faisu: Bye!

Avneet: *went to her room and sat down* I am so bored. I should think of a way to apologize.

Boy: Excuse me ma'am may I come in?

Avneet: Yes come what happened?

Boy: Sir gave this for you. *He gave her a beautiful guitar* Hope you liked it.

Avneet: Thanks! *the boy left* I always wanted this and also of this color. How this Siddharth does know everything? Leave all this, I wish I could meet madoo. He only had faith in me that I could sing and play this. Wish he was here so that I could show him this.

She started singing. Sid was also standing near the door listening to her. After she finished, she found a note on the floor slipped in from the door.

"You sing beautifully, keep singing."

Avneet: Who kept this? But if Sid did it is really nice of him. First I should go and say sorry to him.

Meanwhile Sid: *mind- she has learnt it! I knew she will!*

Avneet reached near his room, knocked and peeped inside.

Sid: *had tears in his eyes but cleaned his face as he saw Avneet* Oh hi, how are you here?

Avneet: Nothing much, why were you crying?

Sid: No I was not.

Avneet: You were Sid, oh shit if I can call you that.

Sid: Everybody calls me that only, you could too. I was not by the way.

Avneet: You were.

Sid: I wasn't.

Avneet: Oh god, leave all this.

Sid: Yeah why were you here?

Avneet: I am sorry!

Sid: What for?

Avneet: I am sorry. I cursed you and behaved badly with you for no reason. You were just helping me. I am really sorry. *crying* I did not know why you killed him but he should be killed. I am sorry. You know such a fool I am. I shouldn't have shouted like this. That day I tried to escape, you saved me, that time also I was wrong.

Sid: Okay okay stop it Avneet I am not mad at you. It is completely fine. If someone else was there at your place would have done the same. It is fine don't cry now.

Avneet: You forgave me?

Sid: No.

Avneet: But you said its fine.

Sid: But I was not angry from you ever.

Avneet: *smiled* Thank you.

Sid: No problem.

Avneet: One more thing, your guitar is really beautiful.

Sid: How do you know it was mine?

Avneet: It was a letter "S" written over it.

Sid: Oh yeah I forgot that you would see it.

Avneet: By the way that day Stevens' uncle said sorry to you about your family. What was that?

Sid: Avneet leave! Just leave this room right now. *Avneet ran outside and just then all the alarms of the house started ringing*


















Chapter is over readers! Do you guys want me to continue?










No I am not doing it! What is going on in the house? Why are the alarms ringing?

Thanks for reading!



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