Chapter 7

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The girl mixed cocaine in Avneet's glass.


Siddharth had seen her doing this so he exchanges her glass with Avneet's.

Girl: Why is my drink tasting like coke?

Sid: Never ever do this thing again. Got it? And even if you had done this to her, I will have never been yours. Just go to hell.

Girl: I am sorry! *she left*

(Writer- What happened readers? Did you think I will make her drink that and hospital and all? Well our Sid is very intelligent!😂😂✌)

Sid: Take your drinks everyone.

All of them drink and then leave for home. The all change and then slept.

Next day,

Avneet: Sid I want ice-cream.

Sid: Mad or what?

Avneet: Are you taking me or not?

Sid: Avu, I am not a normal person.

Avneet: So are you a vampire?

Sid: Hey not that, I mean I am a mafia, it is not easy for me to go anywhere.

Avneet: I don't care, coming or not? Otherwise I am going alone.

Sid: No I am coming.

They reached an ice-cream parlor.

Avneet: I want....

Sid: *cuts her* Choco-chip!

Avneet: Perfect, you remember everything.

Sid: Thanks getting now.

He went inside and came out with 2 ice-creams. He was moving towards her but his eyes went to a place nearby which had a person standing there with a gun targeted at Avneet. He did not think of anything and jumped in front of her. The bullet hit his back.

Avneet: Sid! Oh my god! *she calls Faisu* Faisu come here please.

Faisu: What happened?

Avneet: You reach near 'xyz' ice-cream parlor please.

Faisu: I am nearby, coming. *he reached after 2 minutes* Oh my god. Come let us take him to the hospital.

They reached the hospital. Avneet was crying. Sid was half conscious.

Sid: Avu.... if something.... Hap... happens to me today.... huh! you will move on. Promise me.

Avneet: Nothing will happen to you idiot. I am always there for you.


Sorry for short chapter but it's Diwali so I got this much time only to write. Hope you understand!

Happy Diwali to all.

Be safe!



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