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A Very New Story with my own imagination. There's No Hate to anyone in this story!

Scene 1:

In a room or a room that can be called as den of a Mafia. A Sm1 was ready to hit someone with his gun.

Sm1: Tell me where is Mr. Stevens otherwise you know what I can do to you.

Sm2: Sorry I can't.

Sm1: Are you telling of not? *pulls his gun out and shoots on his leg*

Sm2: I am telling!

Sm1: Good!

Sm2: He lives in the Rising Towers on 5th floor.

Scene 2:

Sm1: ____ I am going to kill you today.

Sm2: What did I do?

Sm1: I know I sang very badly. Then why did you said it was beautiful.

Sm2: No I know that one day you will sing beautifully.

Sm1: Really!

Sm2: Yes! By the way I have a gift for you.

Sm1: What's that?

Sm2 gave Sm1 a picture frame of them.

Scene 3:

Sm1: By the way are you free tonight?

Sm2: What happened?

Sm1: I wanted to take you for dinner?

Sm2: I feel Mr. Sm1 that we are business partners and should be that only. So please be just the client do not try to come and interfere in my personal life and for your kind information, do not be in dreams I am already taken.

Sm1: You are taken? Who is that lucky guy?

Scene 4:

Sm3 went there and saw Sm1 in Sm2's arms.

Sm1: You love me right?

Sm2: I love you.

Sm3: Sm2!!!!

Sm2: Sm3, Sm1!!!

Sm3: You played with my feelings? Yesterday you were acting in front of me? You bloody cheat. Never show me your face again. Sm2, you are a cheater. You pervert you did not even cared about me? I hate you!

Sm3 left!


Here's the prologue I hope you like it!



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