Chapter 37

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Double updates peepss!!!! I know you'll love me after this!! 😉😉💚

Enjoy reading this chapter!!

They all got ready and went to the beach.

Varun: You look cute!

Shraddha: Thanks!

Kriti: Shraddha come with me.

Shraddha: Coming.

Kartik: Varun, what were you talking about?

Varun: Nothing, I was just telling her that she looked cute.

Kartik: Oh whatever, when are you proposing her?

Varun: I was thinking of that only. As now in our group all these ideas are given by Shradzz only.

Kartik: But I have a plan. "..........."

Varun: Great idea Kartik, thanks bro; but before that I will ask Siddharth uncle.

Kartik: Yeah of course.

Varun: Okay you enjoy, I will go talk to him. *goes to a side and calls* Hello uncle!

Siddharth: Varun, how are you? Everything good?

Varun: Yes uncle, actually I wanted to say something.

Siddharth: Say what happened? Anything related to Shraddha?

Varun: Yes uncle, actually, I was saying....... I mean I wanted to say......

Siddharth: What happened? Don't take tension child.

Varun: Uncle I am not able to say? It is much easier to say to Shraddha but I am nervous in saying to you. Actually!!

Siddharth: Say it!

Varun: I love Shraddha.

Siddharth: Yeah, I know that. Tell something new.

Varun: You knew that?

Siddharth: Yes I knew that, anybody could guess it and you know I also fell in love with Avneet in school only.

Varun: *relieved* Oh I was afraid if you say no. I mean I was thinking of proposing her so I thought to ask you first.

Siddharth: I am giving you the permission. My princess is lucky of having you as her life-partner.

Varun: Don't tell anything to aunty please, I would talk to her in person and I would call you when I am proposing her as I know she will say "as my papa says".

Both chuckled at this and Varun went to prepare something. Kartik told everything to Kriti and Disha.

Kriti: Don't worry Kartik, Shraddha will come wherever you want her to be.

Kartik: Thanks girls.

Alia: What's going on?

Kartik: *tells everything* Don't tell anything to your boyfriends. Especially Alia and Tunisha di. Both brothers!

Tunisha: Don't worry Shivin knows Varun is perfect for Shraddha.

Varun returned and all went back to the hotel. He was ignoring Shraddha. She was very sad after that.

Shraddha: Varun what happened?

Varun ignored her and left.

Shraddha: Mad or what? What did I do?

At night,

Tunisha: Shradzz get ready we are going.

Shraddha: But nobody told me anything.

Tunisha: Why are you sad baby? Kartik made the plan, Kriti told me just now.

Shraddha: Ok.

Tunisha: We have a dress code there. Your dress matching with me.

Shraddha: Thanks didu oops bhabhi jaan.

Tunisha: *blushing* Buttering huh! Get ready.

She got ready and came out of the room. Someone came from behind and blindfolded her and took her to a place. She opened her eyes and what she saw was very beautiful. She turned around and saw Varun standing there.

Shraddha: You did all this?

Varun: Can anyone else do?

Shraddha: Thank you so much. But what for?

Varun: Wait ma'am.

There was a big screen over there. He played a video. It contained all her pictures and cute moments with all her family members and with all the friends.

Shraddha: *turned back to him* Woah thank you so much!!

Varun: *he sat on his knees* In college we bunked the lectures and went to a secret place. That bunking with you was love. The way you get jealous or angry and pout. I can do anything to make you happy. Your smile is my life. The way you care for me, the way you laugh, the way you see me is all my life. I love you Shraddha. Will you be mine forever?

Shraddha: I.... *mind- Pop where are you. I know I love him but without your permission, I can't.*

Varun: Don't think too much. Turn around!

Shraddha: *turned around and saw Siddharth on a video call over the screen. He winked and nodded at her and gave his permission* I love you too Varun. I didn't know you are going to do this for me. And when did you talk to dad?

Shivin: When you were moving around with a pout. He talked to all of us then proposed you.

Shraddha: Wow gentleman!

Siddharth: New couple enjoy yourself I will see you guys later. Bye princess.

Tunisha: Shradzz now it is my turn. Cheers to the new couple guys.

Shraddha: It is not new. He already proposed me after the treasure hunt. I just said after my dad approves us.

Kriti: You didn't tell me?

Shraddha: Sorry Kritu.

Tiger: Now we are no one Shradzz.

Tiger said with fake tears, Kartik also joined him.

Kartik: Right Tiger, Varun?

Varun: But we were planning for Shivin bhaiya at that time. And bhaiya did you tell Vaishnavi aunty?

Shivin: Yeah she knew I am going to say that one day.

Tunisha: Oh really?

Shivin: I am sleepy, let's go?

Shraddha: Bro if you want to sleep with bhabhi I can go to Disha's room, I can adjust with her on her bed.

Shivin: Don't tease me and move.

They all went to their rooms.


Finally Varun proposed Shraddha!!!

Thank me later😁😉



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