Chapter 13

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Anushka did something due to which Siddharth said "I love you" to her and Avneet saw all of it!


Avneet: You played with my feelings? Yesterday you were acting in front of me? You bloody cheat. Never show me your face again. Siddharth Nigam, you are a cheater. You pervert you did not even cared about me?

She broke a vase kept there in anger and some glass pieces were stuck at the wall and some entered Siddharth's hands. He hissed in pain but she was too busy in her pushing to realize. She pushed Sid and slapped him and pushed him again which made his back cut deep but the glass stuck at the walls. She moves from there in anger. Siddharth slips on his knees.

Anushka: Now you know rejecting me is a big thing. Now you and your ex are free but if you ever meet her again remember what happens.

One of the other girls with her which were working for her felt bad that she did wrong. She called Avneet.

Avneet: Hello! Hello is anyone there.

The girl kept the call on speaker and started fighting with Anushka.

Girl: Anushka why did you do all this?

Anushka: You think I can face rejection, there is something called as self-respect.

Girl: What you did was wrong Anushka!

Anushka: Yeah what I did? Just spiked Sid's drink and made him believe that I am Avneet and he was just not in his senses and said I love you to Avneet but he is a big fool.

Avneet heard all this. She was heart-broken.

Avneet: I should have controlled my anger. I didn't realize that the girl was Anushka. She was all here to separate us. Faisu where are you?

Faisu: I am going to Breeze garden!

Avneet: Why are you going there?

Faisu: *mind- I can't tell her about Sid, she will be broken* I have a meeting there.

Siddharth's condition being critical he had fainted there. Faisu reached there and took him to the hospital.

Avneet was crying at home and of course she did not know about Sid's condition. So she was just regretting about her misunderstanding. Neither Jannat nor Avneet were told about Siddharth's condition.

In the hospital,

Faisu: *mind- sorry Avneet, I couldn't tell you about Siddharth.* Abhi bhai! Vaishu bhabhi?

Vaishu: Sorry Faisu but your driver came to pick me and I saw blood on his shirt and asked him and he just told me and said not to tell Avneet and Jannat.

Faisu: Thank god.

Abhi: What about him?

Faisu: Doctors have not yet returned. Maybe he is bit critical.

Abhi: *gets a call* shit! Avneet is calling. What should I say?

Faisu: Don't tell about Sid please.

Abhi: Yes Avneet...... No I don't know about Sid....... I am with Vaishu for a work and Faisu is with us..... Yeah if I get some information, I will tell you.

Vaishu: I don't think she is going to be at home. She will surely try to find him.

Faisu: I can't handle her anger. What had happened? Even I don't know.

Avneet: Jan do you know where Sid is?

Jannat: No Avu! Even Faisu doesn't.

Avneet: But he always knows and even I think something's fishy here.

Jannat: Wait then let me check Faisu's location.

They found out the location to be city hospital.


Jannat and Avu found their location.

Now what will they do?

Will they be able to realize about Sid's condition?

Will Avneet tell anyone what happened?

What about Sid? Is he going to be fine? He was critical!

Thanks for reading!


Thank you so much for 6K+ views and 600+ votes!

My ranks on the story are also increasing day by day!

I am very happy!😂😂😁

Thank you, love ya all!💕💕


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