13 Bittersweet

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"MORNING BEAUTIFUL, how was your weekend?" Sebastian asks with an excited smile when I get into this car.

Moments Elliot and I had last night come flooding back, "It was great! How about you? Did you miss me loverboy?"

"Of course I missed you, Bel, I can't live without you nowadays." He assesses me with a frown and questions me, "Bel are you alright?"

I laugh, embarrassed at my constant fidgeting in the car seat. He looks down at my skirt that is even shorter after sitting down.

"Do you want my jacket to cover your legs? Are you uncomfortable?" He continues to question worriedly while trying to focus on driving.

I blow out a breath. "No, I'm just a little sore."

His eyebrows raise signalling me to explain.

"My whole body is sore from having sex okay?" I mumble quickly.

Sebastian looks at me and does a slight double-take. His knuckles turn white from his grip on the steering wheel and his face turns into a similar shade.

"What? You asked! Mr Sex Machine got no right to judge me okay?" I scold.

"Just because I like sex doesn't mean I'm fucking everyone I meet! I really don't want to know that you fucked the whole weekend!" He says through his gritted teeth.

"Excuse me! Are you saying that I'm fucking everyone I meet! You think I'm a whore now?" I snap.

The car comes to an abrupt stop, thankfully we've already reached my office building. I hear Sebastian mutter something under his breath, I grab my purse and step out.

I bend down so I reach his eye level. "I enjoyed every second of getting fucked!" Then I slam the door in his face before he could respond.

MY DOORBELL RINGS, I look at the door pondering whether I should answer it or stay under this cosy blanket on my sofa. It's almost midnight and I just got home a few minutes ago after a long day at work.

The argument with Sebastian this morning ruined my mood and it did make me sad when he wasn't at the lobby waiting to drive me home. He was probably already at home chilling by the time I left work. And there is no way he's the one knocking on my door, he has the keys to my apartment so he has been entering freely since day one.

Could it be Elliot? No, he just sent me a picture of the film set in Amsterdam. I haven't seen him for less than a day and I'm already missing him.

Another ring from my doorbell disrupts my thoughts. I groan loudly as I force myself out of the warm comfy sofa, with the blanket still draped over me I walk over to answer my door.

"Who is it?" I shout as I open the door.

I scowl at the sight of Sebastian standing in front of me. He is dripping in sweat, wet white t-shirt, black running shorts and damp hair. Without a word I turn around, making my way back to my sofa and resume in my previous position watching the TV. I can hear the door close behind me and his footsteps following me.

He stands in front of me blocking my view of the TV screen which pisses me off even more. "You're sweaty," I word-vomit.

"I am sweaty. It happens," he adds, sweeping the back of his hand across his forehead, making his hair stand straight up.

He stares down at me, his eyes are determined.

"About this morning, we are going to talk about it right?" He starts.

Sebastian and I work so well together because both of us will fight till we solve the problem. We can end with agreeing to disagree but we never leave anything unsaid, that's how we roll and it works for us.

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