41 Sacred Touch

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"WHAT THE HELL SEBASTIAN?" I scream from the living room and Sebastian is looking out my apartment window shaking his head. This is our first argument since we started dating.

"It was just an interview. I didn't even mention your name." his voice low and suppressed.

"Still! There are already rumours of us dating everywhere. My reputation is already shit. And now you're just fueling the rumours."

"You're so overdramatic," he mutters with his back to me. I gasp in shock, the room goes dead silent. He turns around with his arms open, "I'm sorry I didn't mean that."

"Get out!" I shout at the top of my lungs pointing at the door. He tries to take another step towards me but I lean back, his looks hurt by my gesture but I can't be in the same room with him right now. Especially after what he just called me.

I cry into my pillow listening to Taylor Swift's reputation album. When you are in love, suddenly every song is about him.

My stomach starts rumbling from exhaustion, I drag myself to the kitchen, straight to the freezer. I open the freezer and there are two tubs of icecream. Seeing the tubs of ice cream makes me cry again because I'm taken back to the day we went grocery shopping together. Mint chocolate chip for me and a rocky road for him. He may have physically left my home but the small touches around my home scream his name.

I grab the rocky road ice cream, slamming the freezer shut. I'm going to eat your ice cream! I'm going to finish your ice cream! You won't have any ice cream to eat now! Who's the winner now! I can't believe he called me overdramatic!

I curl back into a ball on the sofa, flipping through the channels and end up on a rerun of Breaking Dawn. Very quickly I finish his tub of ice cream, the rage helped me ignore how much I hate this flavour of ice cream.

I peek at my phone and it's ten minutes till midnight. He has left for a few hours now but somehow I know he's going to be knocking on my door by midnight. Sebastian never leaves an argument unresolved, we always make up before the end of the day.

I scroll through my phone and I'm hit with the headline that started this argument in the first place, Sebastian Lowe BREAKS SILENCE on dating life! I scroll down the news article which dramatically explains the so-called "details" of Sebastian's dating life. The press is having a field day over Sebastian's new interview because for the first time ever he has mentioned his private life, particularly his dating life.

My name is attached to most of the headlines because there are only a handful of ladies who had a relationship with Sebastian. He openly states that he has a lady, immediately everyone guessed it was me. My reputation over the Elliot incident was just about to get better. I've been laying low the past few months because of that. Now, it's all ruined because of Sebastian.

I sigh and open the link to Sebastian's full interview. When asked who he goes to for advice he says, "I go to her. She's a hustler, the underdog that people didn't notice at first. She sees the beauty in everything and she opened my eyes to a new world. She is the colour in my world and she makes me a better man. I found my life partner."

I read the interview over and over again unable to register the weight of his words. I just started an argument with Sebastian because I saw a headline in the press. This man just professed his love for the first time ever in an interview and I just shouted at him for it. What the fuck is wrong with me?

The knocking sound I've been waiting for comes from the front door. Sebastian has the keys to my apartment so he comes in and out like he lives here. The only time he knocks is when we argued and he's here to make up.

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