27 Jump then Fall

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I WAKE UP to Sebastian shifting below me. I am lying on top of him, our legs tangled together. I lift my head from where it rests on his chest and encounter his dazzling brown eyes.

"Happy birthday!" I croak in my morning raspy voice.

"Thank you Bel." He flashes me a dimpled smile which melts my heart. "Do I get a birthday kiss?" he asks playfully.

I plant a kiss on his prickly cheek with a two-day-old stubble.

"Ow! Your scruff is so sharp." I complain. I move to climb off him since my neck feels sore from sleeping on his hard chest, and I need to stretch my legs anyway.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"My neck hurts," I say and he brings me to lie next to him, my back is pressed against his front. He startles me by bringing his hand to my neck, causing me to jump. I recover quickly as his hand begins to rub my neck. My eyes close and I wince a little at his contact with the ache, but the pain slowly disappears as he massages.

"You can kiss my lips instead, much smoother surface." he jokes.

"Oh shut up loverboy." I groan.

"What? Don't you like scruff?"

"I hate men with beards but you are the only exception. You look hot with a light scruff. But don't overdo it, if you grow a full beard I'll shave it off myself."

He chuckles at my comment but doesn't say anything further.

"Is there anything you would like to do today? How does it feel being 29?" I ask.

"Hmm, let's see. Had a dreamless night then woke up to a gorgeous lady laying on my chest. It doesn't get any better." His husky morning voice sends tingles down my spine.

"Get ready loverboy! I've got many plans for us today!" I scream as I skip to the bathroom to get ready.


"Thank you." I move aside my breakfast so there is room for Sebastian's newspaper. I flip to the page with the crossword puzzle and proceed to solve it.

Today is the fifth day we've been staying here and by now we've naturally fallen into a routine. Every morning we would have breakfast in this beach cafe, I people-watch as Sebastian reads his newspaper. And I solve the puzzles on it when he's finished reading it. I've noticed the same old couple next to us every morning since our first day here.

Then we have a simple homemade lunch on the patio in the afternoon. We spend the afternoon reading, playing chess or just looking out at the beach daydreaming. When the sun starts to set, Sebastian would go on his daily run along the beach then buy groceries for dinner along the way. We spend the rest of the night watching movies on the sofa until we fall asleep.

"The weather forecast predicts there will be a storm tonight," he comments looking at the dark clouds forming above the beach.

"That's cool, most of our plans for today are indoors anyway," I say and he makes a curious expression.

My phone rings and it's Kimberly.

"Morning!" she chirps in my ear.

"Morning soon to be Mrs!" I giggle.

"Glad you remembered, you're still coming to my wedding right?"

"Kimberly! Are you kidding me?"

"What? All I got was a text that you're going to Mersea Island, then you completely disappeared! Do you know how worried I've been?"

"Awww don't worry I'll be back in two days, I've been looking forward to your wedding since high school."

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