20 Come back

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"WHEN IS ELLIOT COMING?" Emma asks sitting next to Kimberly at my dinner table.

"We broke up," I simply reply.

Emma and Kimberly say nothing just shaking their heads and we sit in silence until Sebastian puts down the last dish he cooked.

"Shall we start?" Sebastian suggests before sitting down next to me and we start eating the meal Sebastian cooked for us.

Emma, Kimberly and I make sure to have a group dinner at least once a week and we usually eat takeout at my place. But since Sebastian came back, we have been meeting up even more. I joke about how Emma and Kimberly only want to come over for Sebastian's food because he is a really good cook.

"How many times have you two broken up?" Emma asks with her mouth full.

I shrug, Elliot and I have been dating off and on for six months. "I don't know, we break up all the time, I had already lost count," I admit.

"Why did you break up this time?" Kimberly looks clearly annoyed. I unconsciously glance sideways at Sebastian, biting my lip. I give Emma and Kimberly a look signalling them to not ask.

I remember our fight vividly, everything was fine between us. We spent a whole week together and didn't fight once, I remember thinking to myself maybe we finally got out of the fighting phase. I was getting myself ready for a shower and he noticed the anchor necklace on my neck.

He studied it and muttered, "You wear this all the time." I didn't think much before explaining, "Yeah, it's a gift from Sebastian." His jaw clenched immediately then went on a jealous rampage on why I shouldn't wear jewellery from another man. That was two days ago and we haven't talked since. I haven't taken off the anchor necklace since Sebastian gave it to me. I love it so why should I take it off?

"Did you guys watch that new sci-fi movie?" Kimberly changes the subject.

Everyone says no except me and I giggle at their shocked faces, "What? Elliot wanted to watch it."

"But you hate sci-fi movies," Kimberly sneers.

"Yeah but Elliot wanted to watch it," I repeat, Emma purses her lips making a face. "He fell asleep watching Pride and Prejudice with me, so I offered to watch something he liked." I rebuke.

"Honey, we are just worried that you're losing yourself." Kimberly cautions with a sad smile.

"I know and I love you guys! But Elliot and I are like this crooked love, we try to forget each other but always end up back together." I explain with a broad grin taking another bite of food.

I like the city in the daytime, he likes it in the nighttime. He sleeps with the air off, I need it on. I like the light coming through the windows, but he keeps the curtain closed. He sings along to the music on the radio and I only listen to Taylor Swift.

I don't ask him to change, and he doesn't ask me to change. We are like fire and ice but we still end up on the same side.

"Sounds like you two will be back together," Emma cheers, making my cheeks red.

"When I'm with him I feel so young, wild and free. Being with him has consequences but I love it. Since we first met we always had this love-hate relationship but we both hold on for dear life, afraid to let go." After saying that, I notice Sebastian frowning who is being oddly quiet tonight.

"What do you think, Sebastian?" I ask, nudging his arm playfully with my elbow.

He wrinkles his nose looking down at his food, "If I was him I would never let you go." he simply states and Kimberly inhales sharply.

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