28 Apple Pie

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I ROLL OUT the pie crust and Sebastian walks in after taking a shower. I look up to find him half-naked with a towel hanging loosely around his hips.

"Well, hello there, put a shirt on," I say tearing my eyes away from his chocolate abs.

"It's my birthday, so I'm wearing my birthday suit. Looks like a war zone in here," he observes, reaching out to touch my nose and show me the flour on the end.

"I tend to lose control when there's flour involved," I say as he pushes back his dripping wet hair. 

Focus Bella. Focus.

"Duly noted. That's good information for me to have," he responds, swatting at my hand as I try to slap him.

"This is my second time baking pie so I'm not sure how it's going to work out," I admit.

He takes a good long look at me, then his brown eyes drop from my face and travel across my body. "Hmm, we should bake more often. You weren't kidding about the apron, I don't know how long I'll be able to hang in here without trying a little ass grab."

"Get in there and grab an apple loverboy," I say and walk toward the sink, adding a little extra swish to my hips. I hear him sigh heavily. I glance down at my outfit, noting my tank top, old jeans, bare feet, and chef's apron that says, You should see my scones...

"Now when you said 'grab an apple,' what exactly were you referring to?" he asks from the door and I marvel at how at ease he seems in the kitchen half-naked.

I walk around the kitchen counter and picked up my rolling pin. "You know, I won't think twice about whacking you over the head with this if you continue this," I warn, running my hand up and down the rolling pin suggestively.

"I'm gonna have to ask you not to do that if you're serious about me peeling apples here," he says, eyes widening.

"I never joke about pie, buttercup." I sprinkle a little more flour on the marble. He is silent while he watches me pat out the pie crust, breathing through his mouth.

"So, what are you gonna do with that?" he asks, his voice low.

"With this?" I ask, leaning over the board, and perhaps arching my back a little.

"Mmm-hmm," he replies.

"I'm gonna roll this crust out. See, like this?" I tease again, thrusting the pin back and forth over the dough, making sure I arch my back each time and the forward action pushes my girls together.

"Oh my," he whispers, and I grin naughtily at him.

"You gonna be okay over there, big guy? This is just the top crust, I still need to work on my bottom," I said over my shoulder.

His hands clutch at the edge of the counter. "Apples. Apples. Gonna peel me some apples," he tells himself and turns away toward the colander filled with apples in the sink.

"Let me get you the peeler," I say, coming up behind him and pressing myself against him as I curl around his side to grab the vegetable peeler from the other sink. This is fun.

"Peeling apples, just peeling apples. Didn't feel your boobs. No, no, not me," he chants as I openly laugh at him.

"Here, peel this," I say, taking pity on him and removing myself from his cooking space.

I might have sniffed his shoulder, "Did you just sniff me?" he asks, keeping himself turned away.

"I might have," I admit, going back to my rolling pin, which I squeeze mightily.

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