>_< why? -chapter 13-

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A few days have passed and Shade is doing much better. But for some reason Ciel and I have become slightly more distant, I've been spending my time with Shade. But why is Ciel acting like this?

What's wrong with him?

Rather than helping me with my butler he simply orders his to do more things, studies more, and just outsmarts everyone.

He's so intelligent, and yet his favorite insult is idiotic pig/imbecile.

Maybe he just hasn't had any time for me. Or, anyone really. He's turned down multiple invitations

Shade is also a little skiddish about things though... he fears working with flames. And when he's around me he always shys back slightly.

What's up with everyone!?

At least Finnian is nice, as well as Bard and Mey-Rin. They haven't changed one bit.

I walk into Ciel's study and see him working on some paperwork once again. Organizing something...

"Hello Ciel..."

"Hello ________" he sounds very bored.

"How are you?"


His answers are so... short... I feel as if he is politely listening to me, his tone sounds like he dreads my presence.

"What's up with the paperwork?"

"Nothing of your concern _________...."


"Out of my study at once..."

WHY!? Is the first thing that came into my head.

"Wh-" I decide not to ask after all... "Alright... I'll see you later...." if he even wants to speak.with me.

I walk into Shade's guest room and see him laying there lonely. He sees me and shy's away slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing... things just won't get off my mind.. "

"Alright... I'm glad to.see your recovering though"

"Yeah thanks ________... that means alot to me."

I decide to let him rest.

Today is just.... WHY!?


-Ciel's POV-

Well I'm sure lady ________ will be pleased with this, the paperwork is done after all. I probably shouldn't been so rude to her earlier. That's no way to treat a lady

In the meantime I contact a few people and they get right to work. Good thing the people here want their money and then earn it well.

I'm going to apologize to ________ for what I did..

-________'s POV~

I find myself wandering the garden and running into finny, his curious eyes looking up at me.

"Sorry Finny..."

"Oh don't worry it's alright!!!" He says this kindly and hands me a rose. Ciel bursts open the door and walks to me.

"________..... come inside with me..." I grasp the rose tightly, causing the thorns to puncture my skin and make my hands bleed on accident. Ciel gently holds my hands. "Why'd you accept it? The only man I want you accepting gifts from is me..."

"Ciel it was just a flower...."

"I dont care, I could buy you enough flowers to fill the estate..." His voice slowly lightened.. His gaze did as well. He pulled me into a hug and we both blush softly. Ciel cautiously gives me a small but quick kiss. "I'm sorry ________.... for earlier..."

"Its fine Ciel..."

"I can tell it isn't... I am sincerely sorry for my actions...."

"Ciel it's fine..." Ciel carefully take a my wounded hand from the rose and leads me.upstairs.

"The least I could do is bandage your hand. I'll speak with Finnian about cutting the thorns..."

*timeskip, niiiggghht time*

I'm ready for bed, my (h/l) (h/c) gently falls into place.

Ciel steps into my room and talks to me with a gentle voice.

"_-________"... he takes a short pause. "May I keep you with me for the night?" I blush lightly, not sure what exactly he means. I get up from my bed and nod. Ciel picks me up and carries me like a bride to his room. "_______.. I love you, I didn't mean to cause you any harm. I know this isn't much help, but I hope my embrace would make you feel slightly better." With those words he climbs into bed and hugs me tightly. I hug him back and whisper 'i love you' back to him. Without knowing I fell asleep in his warm arms.

*next dayyyyyy*

I awake and see Ciel sleeping, but he doesn't look peaceful.. I wrap my arms closer around him, and I whisper in his ear

"Don't worry Ciel, I love you... everything will be alright..."

He finally calms down a bit by the sound of my voice.

His cerulian blue eye flutters open.

"________.... good morning..."

"Good morning Ciel..."

"I wanted to tell you, we are getting a visit from Lord Druitt today, he wants to see what everyone is chattering about... apparently you and I are big news for England"

"ah okay..."

"Sebastian will bring you a dress..."


*timeskip* I'm in a (f/c) dress with black lace and a black bow on the back. I have high gloves of which are (f/c) as well as my dress. They have diamonds on them... that I see.

Lord Druitt arrives... I step outside to greet him

He bursts through his carriage door.

"Oh, such beauty in such a young girl!!! Such marvelous complexity!!! And those eyes! They shine like the moon in the darkest night!!!! By the heavens, she will be my bride!!!!! Aaaammmeeeeennnnn!" He's twirling around and making hand motions. And when he gets to amen he makes a cross across his chest. He's very dramatic. What am I gonna do with this guy!? "Are you the beautiful _______?!"


"Well your certainly the prettiest flower I've ever seen" with that he walks inside.

Ciel comes down wearing a suit almost the same as mine.

Lord Druitt pauses.

"Oh it's my little sparrow!!!"

Ciel sighs and greets Lord Druitt.

Ciel's POV-

I see the way Lord Druitt looks at ________, this is not going to end well....

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