Chapter 23- Wedding day~

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Just saying I'm probably gonna split the wedding into two or three parts! If there is anything you guys want to happen just let me know! AND 10k READS!!?! OHMYGAWSHIMSOHAPPYABOUTTHAT!

Thank you guys so much for making my Wattpad dreams come true!!!!!

________'s POV

I can't wait! It's Ciel and I's Wedding day. Mey-Rin  has been helping me get dressed. I have her as my maid of honor since I don't have many friends. Of course Sebastian is Ciel's best man. Ciel has invited nobles from all around, as well as all the managers of his company.

I look around to find Mey-Rin, only to realize she is right behind me.

Mey-Rin tightens my corset and laces up my dress. Attaches my veil and makes me sit still so she can put make-up on me...

This is taking so long!!!

*timeskip brought to you by Pluto, whom is whining because he isn't in this story*

I walk into the garden, where the weddiby is being held.

All the flowers finnian and I choose are set perfectly. I wonder if Sebastian set this up?

Everything looks absolutely beautiful.

Ciel is at the altar. I'm getting nervous, but I'm sure itll be alright. The music begins to play as Shade takes my arm in his. I'm glad to see that he can walk me down the isle. From a distance I can see Ciel is wearing the eye patch I once made him.

His eyes are red and watery. He's sniffling, is he sad to see me go?

I'll miss him.

My dear older brother. My legal guardian. My best friend. He's been my father, mother, brother, everything.

I'm gonna miss his cheery smile and joking attitude.

Shade and I begin walking down the isle, remembering our practice.

Left. Together. Right. Together. Repeat.

The altar Ciel is standing at is decorated with the flowers I had. Every thing seems perfect. It is perfect.

I smile a cheery smile, Shade manages a sad one. I make it up to Ciel, whom is blushing profusely and proudly standing at the altar.

He takes my hands in his.

The officiant looks at us both with a gentle smile.

"Friends and Family of the ________ (l/n) and Ciel Phantomhive, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day, We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between ________ and Ciel, by joining them in marriage. The highest form of love between two people is within a committed relationship."

Shade looks proud when the marriage officiant says family.

Ciel and I don't lose eye contact.

"Who gives this woman to be married with this man?"

Shade boldly but kindly says, "I do. As her Guardian"

Shade takes his seat and grabs a tissue. His eyes water up, but he's trying his best to hide it... that's something shade isn't very good at.

The officiant continues.

“Thank you Sir." He clears his throat and begins the reading. "Marriage means falling in love with the same person again and again. Understanding the needs, hopes, desires, and ambitions of each other; being true to one other’s self and the ability to readjust one’s own mind according to the other's are the essentials that constitute a true and happy marriage... True marriage is not just about loving each other. It is also about learning how to understand and respect one another. Living a long conjugal life with one another teaches us how to share with one another. If you share your grief and joy with each other, your love will grow... Even though legal bond of marriage can be created only with the stroke of a pen, it is not just some legal document—marriage is the celebration of love. Marriage is about creating a family (a/n- ooooo a faaammmiilllyyyy) and so much responsibility. Responsibility, mutual feelings, love, respect, and friendship are the secrets of a successful married life.”

Ciel looks at me and smiles. Not just a fake smile. A real smile. From Ciel, that something precious. I can't help but smile back at him. With all my heart. I feel that this moment is something precious that no body can take away from me.

"Now, for the reading of the vows. ________, ladies first."

I nervously try to swallow my fear of reading my vows in front of everyone.

"Ciel, From the moment I met you, I had found you intriguing, interesting, and determined. You've always been the light in my darkness, even on my bright sunny days your the breeze that cheers me up. I promise you that I will be there for you when you need me, that you will be my one and only, and that you'll never feel the pain and sorrow you did before as long as I am with you. I promise that our love will always be my top priority. My last promise to you, is my everlasting love. Even in death, remember that I will always love you Ciel." I'm in tears. Happy tears. Ciel's eye is watering very slightly...

"Ciel...?" The marriage officiant lifts an eyebrow at him.

"Yes of course. My lady ________, you've changed my life around entirely. I cannot thank you enough for what you've done for me. You've reached into the darkness and brought me to the light. You have stolen away my pain, my sorrow. I thank you with these promises, these vows, that I must say. I promise that my work will not get between us, for our love is my number one priority, I promise that our hearts will grow closer, I promise you that I will always love you as well. With every minute of my life, please know that I love you with all my heart, my soul, and my body, and my mind. I love you _______, I always will."

The officiant let's Ciel hand his vows back to Sebastian, as I hand mine back to Mey-Rin. Then Mey-Rin hands me Ciels wedding ring.

"Now it is time for the exchanging of the rings."

I wipe my happy tears with my right hand. I delicately take Ciel's soft hands in mine.

"________, repeat after me, I ________ (last name) take you as my lawfully wedded husband. To love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do us part"

"I ________ (last name) take you, Ciel Phantomhive as my lawfully wedded husband. To love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do us part"

"I give this ring to you as a symbol of my love, so you know it is present, even when I am not."

"I give this ring to you as a symbol of my love, so you know it is present, even when I am not." As I'm repeating this, I feel my heart speed to extreme measures.

I slide the ring on Ciel's finger.

Ciel then takes my hands in his. Without the officiant saying so, he starts.

"I Ciel Phantomhive, take you ________ (last name) as my lawfully wedded wife. To love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. I give this ring to you as a symbol of my love, know that it is always present, even when I am not."

He slides the gorgeous ring on my finger.

"I now pronounce you, Husband, and Wife, you may kiss the bride."

Ciel and I both take a step forward. I wrap my arms around his neck and his support my back. He dips me back and kisses me passionately. I kiss him back. Our lips are in a burning passion of perfect sync. He just slips his tongue in without any warning. My blush grows darker as I hear a few "woo's" and cheers from the crowd. Ciel and I don't break our passionate kiss for a long time. He plays with my hair as he sweetly takes his time.

We break off and look at the happy crowd. Sebastian mumbles "congratulations young master." As we both holds hands and walk to enjoy the rest of our day.

I am now ________ Phantomhive.

There's more coming up sooooooon!!!!

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter!


STAY FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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