chapter 15

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I just want to warn you not all of this will be in the same timeline as the show I will try but it might all bit a bit jumbled up


It's the middle of a shift on a Wednesday sat in mouse and i's little whole looking through CCTV whilst mouse is doing some research upstairs.

I heard the door quietly open then close and lock. I instantly knew it was Adam.

"Hey baby," I said not turning around.

"How did you know it was me," he said moving my hair and kissing on my neck.

I breathed out and said " I heard you from a mile away for an officer in intelligence your not that sneaky"

"Well I was thinking we could go on a date seems as though we haven't been on a proper one yet," he said getting more passionate with the kisses.

"Hmm, we haven't had we what you think we do" I moaned.

" well that isn't any of your concern you were something hot and I will pick you up at 7 deal," he said.

"Deal... what is up with you today," I said.

"I want you so bad but we're at work, "he said starting to make a mark on my neck.

"yeah well tell everyone soon I mean we have been dating what four months," I said.

"Yeh how about we tell him when it's five months which will be January 15th right," he said as he sat next to me.

"Yep time flies doesn't it but I'm scared what the reaction will be," I said leaning on his shoulder.

"Hey it'll be fine I mean most people already know and if Platt knows and thinks it's a good idea I think we are in the clean," he said and I laughed.

"Yeh true but I mean I am her favourite," I said.

"No your not Erin is by far jay his her least favourite," he said.

"No I don't think she hates jay she has a soft spot for us all but she doesn't want to show it," I said.

"Umm that's debatable but I see it," he said.

We heard a knock on the door and a voice " oy love bird we need you up there we have this guy about tasering I don't know" it was Erin's voice.

"Let's go," I said. And we went out to see Erin raise her eyebrows at us.

"What? we didn't do anything" I said innocently.

"Yeh yeh tell that to your neck," she said and walked up the stairs.

"Oh for fuck sake really," I said.

We walked up the stairs into the bullpen to see everyone standing around except al and Voight who was sat in his office.

"Umm, what's going on," I asked the mysterious man.

"Taser certification you are all doing it," he said pointing to everyone.

"I have already done it at my old job and I am not a cop" I pointed out

"Still have to do it"

I sat on my desk whilst Mr. taser man explained blah blah blah I was practically falling asleep.

The next minute Adam made some stupid comment and Mr taser man tased him sending him to the floor. We all laughed.

"That was worth the price of admission" jay laughed.

"Your next" Mr. taser man said making Jay's smirk drop.

"I volunteer to tase him," Erin said putting her hand up.

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