chapter 32

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it had been a couple of weeks later and I was finally 20 weeks pregnant, and everything was going better than expected the only major problem with being pregnant is that my boobs hurt a lot I was peeing like every half hour and I wasn't sleeping great but other than that it was doing amazing, we were just waiting for the baby to start kicking and to find out the gender.

we were all at work but no case at the moment so everyone was just chilling around and finishing their paperwork.

"hey mads don't you find out the babies gender today," Kevin asks me.

"yep is a couple of hours hopefully," I said.

"what do you mean hopefully," Jay asked confused.

"it all depends on if the baby is at the position where we can see what gender the baby is," I said.

"what you think it is going to be," Alvin asked.

"I want a boy," Adam said.

"I would love a girl but have a feeling it will be a boy," I said.

"why do you think that," Erin asks.

"I have identical symptoms that my mum had when she was pregnant with both Jay and Will like we both don't sleep no sickness everything," I said.

"what you gonna do for the gender reveal," Erin asks.

"I don't have a clue but maggie and Platt are doing a party revel thing," Adam said.

we talked about anything and everything until they got a case and I and Adam needed to get to the scan. we were sat in Chicago med waiting.

"miss Halstead," the ob said.

they led us into a room and I sat on the table and lifted my shirt. the ob walked in.

"Hey Maddie how are you and the baby doing," she asked.

"We are great," I said.

"and how is dad doing," she said to Adam.

"I'm great thanks," he said.

"well so today we are going to things we are going to do a normal check-up to see how the baby size and growth is doing and then we will hopefully y find out if you are having a little boy or a little girl fingers crossed," she said she put the hell on my stomach and but the wand on moving it around.

"so the baby is doing amazing brilliant and strong heartbeat and is at the perfect size that we need it at and also we have the gender will you want to know," she asked.

"can't you write it on a piece of paper please so friends want to do a su[rise," Adam asked?

"no problem would you also like some photos," she asked and we nodded she said "well I will be back with the photos in a minute"

she handed me a towel to wipe my bloated belly and walked out

"when is the party again" I asked.

"tomorrow," he said.

"you ready," I asked.

"hell yeah," he said and I laughed. the OB came back in and handed us the pictures and the piece of paper.

we both left to go back to the precinct we walked in and Platt was looking at us "you find out"

"yep in this piece of paper," I said holding up.

"and that is now mine thank you," she said taking it off me we walked back up the stairs.

"how is peanut" Antonio asked.

"peanut is perfect, perfect size, perfect heartbeat couldn't be better," I said handing him the ultrasound picture.

"oh wow find out the gender," he asked handing it back.

"well, let's just say the OB and Platt know," Adm said sitting at his desk.

we carried on with the case and I looked at nursery ideas whilst doing my work. it had been an easy case to finish and both me and Adam went back to the apartment to sleep. as though the house still wasn't ready for us to move in we had all the furniture there still in boxes all of Adams stuff was there except clothes and most of my stuff was there also we just needed to unpack all of that and then we will be moving in.


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