chapter 2

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I woke up to the ringing of my phone's alarm. I groaned in frustration and sat up, I turned to my left and picked up my phone to turned to the alarm.

I looked at the time which says 8:30, I thought to myself 'well today is the day I am finally going to see my family after five years what could go wrong '.

I climbed out of bed and walk to the bathroom, stripped and had a shower whilst the hot water was running down my face I started to regret everything,

'is this a good idea? Do you think they will be happy to see me? Did they ever think about me or talk to people about me? What if they don't remember me?what if they haven't missed me?'

After all of the 'what if' questions flashing through my mind I tried to stay positive and think positive things. Once I had finished showering I dried my hair and curled my brunette locks then I put on some light make-up so then I could only just see my freckles. And walked into my bedroom and laid out my outfit, some blue ripped jeans and i white shirt with converse.

 And walked into my bedroom and laid out my outfit, some blue ripped jeans and i white shirt with converse

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once I was ready I grabbed my phone and car keys and drove to my childhood home.

I had just pulled into the driveway and saw my dads car parked there, I took a deep breathe and walk to the front door, it looked the exact same from when I was younger just needed it of gardening, I was at the door I knocked
. And about a minute later an old worn-out man with grey hair and grey beard walked up to the door and answered it he was wearing a Blackhawks shirt and blue jeans.

"Hi, dad..." I said with an anxious tone.

"well well well the daughter returns," Patrick said

"Nice to see you too" I answered

"well you better come in the kiddo," he said and let me in the house.

I walked in anxiously it looked the exact same from before I left, the furniture is the same and in the same place, pictures of me, jay and will from when we were younger, I was home.

I sat on the chair and asked " how have things been for the past five years".

"well your brothers, well I don't know how they are but last I heard jay is a detective in that big intelligence unit and will is a doctor, a nurse I don't know at that Chicago med place" he replied.

"Yeah I heard the both of them pulled themselves up haven't they, well how are you pop," I said.

" ah well, the same as I have ever been. haven't seen jay in like two years and will come and down like once a month as he does, how about you, how is my daughter what have you been up to" he asked with a nice tone.

"Well finished university doing law and computer stuff, then I worked for people doing hacking this that and the other after they I did bits for the FBI for a couple of months with hacking into computers but nothing too big and then I decided to finally move back here and find a job" I replied.

" Wow, the FBI Jez kid that a big thing you still with that kid I forgot his name," he asked clicking his fingers.

" Rylie yeh last didn't last too long after I left" I replied in a sad voice.

"What did he cheat on you ya, know I never liked that kid he was to what's the word... big-headed," he said.

"I know you never liked him and nothing like that just got into a massive argument and it didn't work out great after that," I said

" ahh ok so have you see the boys yet," he asked.

"No not yet I'm going to see will then jay because I want to get the easy stuff out the way and then handle jay" I replied with a sigh

" he'll be fine he's stubborn but he'll be happy to see you go now see your brothers we can catch a bite when you have settled in more"

"yeah thanks pop I'll see you soon," I said.

I handed dad a card with my number so he will be able to contact me gave him a hug and then got in my car and drove to med go see will.

Once I arrived in med I took another deep breath and got out of the car and walked into the hospital and walk to this lady in the trauma bay

" umm hi I'm here to see Dr William Halstead," I said with a shaky voice.

Maggie looked up to me and said: " umm yeh I'll page him now can I get your name please sweetheart".

" ur yes I'm Maddison Halstead," I said.

She looked at me again with a confused look and said " umm yes if you wait in that office there and I'll shout him for you"

"thank you," I said before turning around and walking into the office. After a minute I heard maggie scream " oy Dr Halstead you got a visitor in the visitor's office" then I heard will say "yep I'm coming just be a minute" then I turn to face the opposite side of the door, then the door slowly open I barely heard it and then I heard a voice "Maddie" I turned around and saw it was well then I said " hey will its been a while"

a couple of seconds passed of us just looking into each other's eyes, then I walked up to and gave me a hug.

he said. "I have missed you so much"

I replied with "I have missed you to I would have called but I wanted to surprise you"

He said in a sarcastic tone " well I'm definitely a surprise" " urm how long are you visiting"

I said back " will I decided to finally move back to Chicago I got here last night and I wanted to see you as soon as possible"

he looked at me and said "that's great we should get a drink tonight you can meet all my friends and jays friends but before I have to tell them that I have a sister"

I chuckled a little bit a replied "I knew you wouldn't mention me but I'm not fussed, but first I need to go see jay I have only just seen dad and I wanted to get the easy part out first then tackle jay"

he replied " you went to see dad wow how did that go.. and what do you mean the easy part"

I sat at the table and said " well before I left you, dad and jay well you never agreed about it and jay especially didn't want me to go and..."

then all of a sudden his pager went off he said " urm sorry I got to go I'll text you tonight and arrange to catch up okay love ya"

he said give me a kiss on my cheek and I said " go safe some lives and I love ya to" and he walked off in hurry. I then walked out of the office with maggie said " bye sweetheart have a good day" I said back "umm yeh see ya".

I walked into my car and said to myself " two down one to go let hope it all goes well" and gave a massive sigh.


part 2 done I hope you enjoyed it

also sorry for spelling mistakes

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