chapter 59

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it had been two weeks since dad was in the hospital and he was back to his asshole self. and I was days away from my due date and I have never been more ready to get this baby out of me the last couple of days it had been insufferable could never get comfy and when I did I had to pee, and I could tell little one wanted out because he wouldn't stop moving and kicking the was getting too big for my tummy.

I was sat on the couch watching some Netflix whilst Adam and Maisie had some daddy-daughter time since he hadn't seen much of her this week and I need a break I mean ii love her more than life itself don't get me wrong but it's hard looking after an almost 2-year-old and nine months pregnant. 

my original plan for the day was that I was gonna go for a walk to try and get this labour moving faster but contractions have been killing me so I thought save the pain and stay in today. but I do have a feeling that I am in labour though because these contractions have been getting closer together when I mean that I mean they get closer a minute every like three hours so before I started to panic I wanted to wait until either my water broke or my contractions were unbearable to the point I needed to go the hospital.

after a couple of hours, it had turned lunchtime so I walked into the kitchen to make some lunch and Adam and Maisie came home.

"we are home" adam shouted.

"kitchen," I said to them and I heard little feet running towards me.

"hi Mumma," Maisie said and slowed down to hug me.

"hi baby how was your day," I said.

"good," she said and went to go play.

"how's your day," Adam asked.

"good," I said just as a contraction hit.

"how're your contractions," he said.

"not close enough to go to the hospital," I said.

"you think today is the day," he asks.

"oh yeah I'm going into labour there's no way he is gonna deal with another day in there he's had enough," I said rubbing my baby bump.

"oh good," he said smiling but something was off.

"what's up," I asked.

"nothing don't worry about it," he said and walked into the living room.

"Adam," I said dragging out his name.

"I'm serious I'm good just a bit scary knowing ill have two kids by the end of the week," he said.

"well to help things get off your mind we need to plan a birthday party,"   I said.

"might as well get started now and plan everything we need because we won't have any time when Mr is here," he said I nodded and we started to plan.

next Tuesday was Maisie 2 birthday and we wanted to give her somewhat birthday party similar to last year just get the family around and have a bbq or some small we knew she won't remember it but it's nice to do something and have pictures that we all can look back on including her when she is older.

after about half an hour we got everything planned and I was bout to go to the bathroom for the fifth time when I stood up and a gush of water ran down my legs and onto the floor.

"shit," I said.

"what," Adam said looking up from the kitchen counter.

"water broke," I said.

"ill call Jay," he said and got his phone out.

I slowly went upstairs to get all sorted and washed up and I walked back downstairs to see Jay in the kitchen with Hailey.

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