chapter 11

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I woke up this morning to see adam staring at me.

"Did no one ever tell you it is rude to stare mister?" I said with a smile on my face.

"I'm admiring my hot girlfriend sleep and good morning beautiful" he replied pecking me on the lips

"Good morning sexy, do you not have work today," I asked concerned.

"At 10 for paperwork so I have a while what are you doing today"

"I need to go get mums ring to give to Will for Nat and find a new job" I sigh

"I think Voight might want you to help out with mouse full time"

"How would you know that, "I said looking up to him.

"I might have heard voight mention it to Platt before the shift ended," he said

"He doesn't like in-house relationships tho"

"He okayed Erin and jay so I am sure he will do the same with us and if not keep it from him"

"Yeh, I'm gonna jump in the shower" I gave him a peck on the lips and left the warm bed leaving him there.

I jumped in the shower washed my self and jumped back out I did my routine.

I walked out of the bathroom to see adam butt naked putting on his boxers.

"Well, that's a sight I love to see," I said making him turn around, his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Same here dam mads I want to take you now," he said wrapping his arm around my waist rubbing circles on my pelvis.

"Easy cowboy maybe tonight if you are lucky," I said seductively putting my arms on his neck stroking it.

"Mmm, I might have to agree to that" getting closer.

"Well I have to get dressed so move," I said moving him.

"Babbee really that's a major cock blocker" he whined.

"Awww my poor baby" I laughed.

I took my towel off and put some undergarments on. I put clothes on my bed that I was gonna wear, ripped Jean's a pinkish cream top and my converse.

I turned around to put my clothes on to see adam stood there staring at my half-naked body.

"Hey my eyes are up here cowboy" I clicked my fingers finally getting him out of his trans.

We both got ready and did everything else we needed to do and walked out of my room.

There was a note from rocket saying that:

I have gone to work
Love ya rocket

I collect my keys, phone and wallet from the side, put on a neckless that my mum bought me before she died.

I and Adam walked out of my apartment and to our cars

"See you tonight sexy," he said slapping my ass and kissing me.

"Yeh yeh love ya" I replied

"Love you too"

I got into my car and drove to the storage unit.

Once I had arrived I walked to the right one number 1994.

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