Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"You right to walk home by yourself Vic, or are you coming inside for a bit?" I asked as I unlocked the door.

Vic had made sure he'd accompanied me home; he was rather paranoid about Johnathon finding me. I was slightly worried, but I also knew that Andy was rather protective when it came down to it, so that was a plus I had on my side right now; only problem was if Johnathon managed to get past him.

"I dunno; as much as I don't wanna leave you here, I know Andy'll be looking out for you better than I will," Vic said as I put my keys away. He gave a bit of a sigh. "Alright Jules, I'll see you tomorrow."

I gave him a bit of a smile as he headed off down the sidewalk, back the way we'd come. He gave a bit of a wave and I waved back before going inside, closing and re-locking the door once I was in.

"Andy? You home?" I called as I walked over to the kitchen entrance way, no sign of him or Crow anywhere.

Looking into the kitchen and seeing that the light was off, I just frowned and headed over to the hallway, going to the bedroom. The light was off and the door was open, which indicated that Andy wasn't around. I sighed and hit the light switch, jumping a slight bit as Crow looked back at me from where he was stationed, lying on Andy's side of the bed; there was still no sign of Andy though.

I just went in and put my things down and went over to the bed, sitting down on the edge as I took my jacket off and Crow came wandering over to me, rubbing against my back a bit as I threw my jacket over to where I'd put my things.

"Andy not home?" I asked Crow as he rubbed against me and I shifted my position to pat him.

He happily rubbed against my hand, purring at me the whole time and making me smile a bit. It was very unusual for Andy to not be here when I got home, but maybe he'd decided to go out for something? It was also rather unlikely that he'd just go out though; he always had a reason to leave the house, and he'd clearly had a reason today.

Hopefully he wasn't out getting himself in any trouble.

Crow continued to purr at me as he laid down and I patted him, really wondering where Andy was. I remembered he'd had something to talk over with me tonight, but there wasn't much possibility of that if he wasn't around; maybe he'd had something more important to do tonight instead.

I just sighed and got onto the bed more, laying down and making Crow move. He just wandered over to me though and laid down next to me, meowing at me and wanting me to pat him again. I just did as asked and continued to wait for Andy to get home.


=Andy's Point of View=

Unlocking the door, I tried to be as quiet as I could, as it was rather late; I'd lost track of the time about two hours ago, but I knew I needed to get back home. I'd pretty well forgotten that I'd wanted to talk over something with Juliet, and I wondered if it was probably too late; she'd most definitely be home by now unless she as pulling another all-nighter at work.

Carefully closing and locking the door, I headed over to the kitchen and put my keys down on the table before switching off all the lights and heading down the hallway to the bedroom. The door was ajar, which meant that Juliet was most definitely home.

Pushing the door open and trying to be as quiet as possible, I looked in to see Juliet completely crashed out, Crow by her side. Crow looked up upon seeing the door open and meowed at me, making me signal for him to be quiet, as the last thing I wanted to do was wake up Juliet; she needed to sleep 'cause she had work in the morning.

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