Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

"You wanna what?"

Vic gave a shrug as Kellin stood there with his arms crossed as he leant against his desk, me standing over near Vic and shaking my head in disbelief at what I'd heard.

"Did you ever think that he'd have already thought ahead and he'll be expecting something like this?" I continued, looking between Vic and Kellin.

Vic gave me another shrug and looked to Kellin who switched his gaze back to me.

"It's the best thing to do right now; if we can't find him anywhere today, I'll get everyone back in and explain what we're doing."

I shook my head.

"Johnathon's not stupid; he'll expect us to be waiting for him," I said, not liking this one bit.

"Well we can't let him get away again and we can't let you or Andy get hurt," Kellin said; I saw Vic roll his eyes. "If this' the only way we can get him and lock him away again, then we're gonna take it."

"He's already gotten out once; what makes you think he won't get out again?" I asked seriously, Vic just shooting me a slight glare; he was clearly unhappy with me right now.

"They think he had inside help," Kellin said.

"So we just send him across state or something," Vic added with a shrug as he looked at me. "As long as we get him, I don't really care."

I just sighed, knowing there was no use; it was happening one way or the other.


=Andy's Point of View=

"And here I was, thinking I could trust her. I can't believe she went and told!"

Crow just sat there on my bed opposite me and offered no response. I looked at him sadly.

"You think she hates me Crow?" I asked him sadly, Crow meowing at me. I sighed. "Well if she doesn't, why'd she go tell him?"

Crow meowed at me again and laid down in front of me. I sighed again and patted him, hearing him purr at me like usual when I gave him attention.

"He's a detective and that means he's gonna go tell the other detectives and then I'll go to jail," I said miserably. "I always fuck up Crow; never should've left the house. Only bad things happen when I leave the house."

Crow just continued to purr at me as I patted him.

"Yeah, well I know I wouldn't've met Juliet if I hadn't left the house, but now look where that got me," I continued. "She clearly doesn't care if she went and told; maybe I should just leave..."

Crow meowed at me this time and rubbed against my hand, clearly not wanting me to go anywhere.

"But it'd be easier and less likely that I'd get locked away unless they did a nationwide search for me," I said in response to his statement. "Like seriously Crow, what've I even got left here besides you?"

Another meow, making me sigh.

"Well that's the thing, I dunno if she cares about me enough now for me to stay," I told him. "See, this' what happens when I put my trust in people."

Crow just stayed silent now, just purring at me as I mindlessly patted him.

"But that's the thing," I continued. "I just don't know if it's worth me hanging around; I still love her, but if she doesn't care 'bout me, what's the point?"

Crow meowed as I stopped patting him.

"Well I dunno; like I've said multiple times: if she went and told a detective, even if he is s'posedly her friend, she clearly wants to see me get locked away," I said sadly. I just sighed. "Maybe you're right; I'll just talk to her when she gets home. If she even wants to come back here."

Crow just laid there and watched me, moving his tail back and forth in annoyance at my statement.

"Well why would she want to?" I asked with just as much annoyance. "She'll probably go stay with someone else so she doesn't have to put up with me; I'm kinda s'prised you've tolerated me this long."

Crow meowed at me and got up from where he was laying, walking over the bed towards me, rubbing against my arm and making me look at him sadly as he purred at me. I just gave in and picked him up, hearing him meow at me again as I set him down in my lap and patted him.

"Yeah, I know," I said with another sigh. "At least I know I can count on you buddy."


=Juliet's Point of View=

The house was silent when I got home, closing and locking the door like always. It wasn't even that late, but Andy seemed to have a habit of just wandering off whenever he felt like it; maybe that was where he'd disappeared to tonight. I didn't even know if he was home.

"Andy?" I called as I headed down to the bedroom, seeing a bit of light coming from the room, the door ajar.

I pushed the door open gently and saw Andy sitting on the bed, playing with Crow who didn't seem too pleased with Andy touching his ears again.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked as I put my things down and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Andy gave a shrug but didn't say anything as he continued to concentrate on annoying Crow; there was clearly something wrong, but he didn't seem to be in a very talkative mood today. I sighed and moved a bit closer to him.

"Is it because I told Vic?" I asked, seeing the look on his face shift a bit. "Look Andy, I had to. He was already piecing it together anyway, so there wasn't anything I could do, ok? After what Johnathon was saying to us last night, he'd basically already figured it out."

"Basically; means he didn't actually know 'til you told him," Andy said quietly, not even glancing at me as he continued to annoy Crow. "And now he knows and he's gonna make sure I get locked away like Johnathon because I'm apparently no better than he is."

I sighed and shifted my position where I was next to him, sitting cross legged as I spoke.

"He's not gonna do that; you're nothing like Johnathon, ok?" I said, Andy just giving me a rather miserable shrug; at least he wasn't getting aggressive over the whole thing. "You weren't in control when you killed those people, ok? Johnathon knows exactly what he's doing."

"I knew what I was doing, but I couldn't stop it."

"Exactly; completely different," I said, seeing as Andy finally stopped annoying Crow and looked to me, the sadness evident in his eyes. "Like I said, Johnathon's in control of himself here when you weren't; you couldn't do anything about it, but he can. You're better than him and you know it, ok?"

Andy just gave an unsure shrug and I gave him an attempted smile. He managed to give me a bit of a smile in return, but he just looked worn down.

"Vic's not gonna say anything; he told me," I said, Andy just looking down. "But you have to be careful about what you say from now on, ok? If you say the wrong thing, it could lead to worse things."

Andy gave a nod, a bit more cheerful this time; he reminded me of a kid sometimes.

"So what're they doing about Johnathon?" he asked, his attention back to the black and white cat in front of him. Crow opened his eyes as Andy touched his ear again. "I assume they're gonna be trying to get him?"

I gave a nod, watching as Andy went back to annoying Crow who just flicked his ears in annoyance.

"Yeah; they're gonna have people watching the house in case he shows up," I said, a bit of a frown on Andy's face as he thought about that statement. "I'm gonna be taking the rest of the week off so they can get everything together."

Upon hearing that, Andy's face lit up with a smile as he looked to me, all misery gone.

"So I have you home all week," he stated, making me nod and smile. He grinned at me. "Well let's just hope Johnathon doesn't intrude too soon then."

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