Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

=Juliet's Point of View=

Vic rushed up to me, making me come to a halt as he almost ran me down; he seemed a little panicked.

"Hey Vic; everything ok?" I asked with a bit of a frown, though it was clear there was something honestly wrong at the moment.

Vic shook his head.

"We've got a real problem," he said as Ashley appeared off to his side, making me glance at him before looking back to Vic who seemed rather in a rush.

"What's the problem?" I asked with a frown.

Vic looked at me for a few seconds before he gave me my answer.

"Johnathon's disappeared."


"No-one can figure out how he escaped, but the current theory is that he had inside help," Kellin began as we all sat there and listened in, Vic clearly on edge right now.

I glanced his way, but his focus remained on the front as Kellin continued and I felt as my phone buzzed.

"We've got a watch out for him at the moment, but no-one's reported back to say they've seen him," Kellin said, my focus on him as I tried to ignore my phone. He looked around at everyone. "We've got a possible killer on the loose people; we can't let him walk."

"But how'd you know he's a killer?" Ashley spoke up, everyone looking to him. "You guys only got him on drug charges; how's this make him a killer too?"

"Johnathon was a suspect in a few murder cases last year," Kellin said, Ashley just giving a nod of understanding. "No charges went ahead because we couldn't prove it, but he's still a suspect for it, which means he could potentially be a killer."

Ashley gave another nod and Kellin continued.

"From now on, I want everyone on high alert; anything comes back on this, report it to me and then we'll follow the lead. You're all dismissed."

Everyone started filing out of the room and I took this as my chance to check who'd called me; my phone had just stopped ringing, so whoever needed to get a hold of me must've had a good reason too. Vic stayed with me, arms crossed and just watching as I checked who'd called me.

"Anyone important?" he asked.

"Just Andy again," I said, putting my phone away and indicating for him to head out.

Vic followed me out and over to my desk, Ashley in tow like always.

"Jules, I think you should be real careful 'til we manage to find him," Vic said seriously, the concern clear in his voice. "What happened last time-."

"Vic, I'll be fine," I interrupted, Ashley frowning a bit upon not knowing what we were really talking about. "Yes, Johnathon's fucked up, but I don't live by myself anymore, remember? The chances of him getting past Andy, aren't that possible."

"I know whatcha tryin' to say; Andy won't let him anywhere near you," Vic said, making me cross my arms. "But seriously Juliet, if he finds out where you are, no matter what Andy does, Johnathon's most likely to getcha when he's not around; you've gotta think of everything here."

Sadly though, Vic didn't realise or know that Johnathon already knew where to go to find me.

"Look Vic, if Johnathon was gonna try find me, he'd hang around here and wait for me to leave," I tried, Vic shaking his head in disapproval. "He'd have roughly half an hour to grab me before I got home, and then after that, he'd have to break in; Andy makes sure everything's locked, even when he's home; he hardly leaves that house Vic. If Johnathon was gonna grab me for some fucked up reason, he'd jump me on the way home."

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