Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

=Juliet's Point of View=

"I'm so glad you're ok!" I exclaimed, keeping a hold of Andy who just put his arms around me and rested against me, clearly happy to be back. "I dunno what I would've done without you."

Andy just held me a slight bit tighter, not saying anything. I moved back a bit and gave him a smile, seeing as he gave me one in return. Kellin came to a halt next to me, Ashley trailing along behind and stopping just off to his side.

"You holdin' up ok?" Kellin asked Andy who kept his arm around my waist. He gave a nod, still not saying anything. Kellin looked to me. "I sent Vic home; he probably won't be at work for a few weeks. He needs time off anyway."

"Y'know he won't be able to stay away from work for long," I said with a slight smile, seeing as Kellin almost slipped up and smiled too; it was close, but not quite a smile.

He gave an official nod, his expression back to being stone. He looked to Andy again.

"Before I let you get back home, do you know what happened to Johnathon?" he asked seriously. "He wasn't in the house when we got the call from Vic at where you were; any ideas?"

Andy looked at him for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"He just left without a word; something about work going wrong," he said, though I was almost sure he was lying. "Just rushed off and left us there; took the opportunity and tried to get untied then Vic made the call."

Kellin gave a nod, clearly believing him.

"Alright, well how 'bout you guys get home and I'll send Ashley over in a few days to come check in and ask a few more things," he said, making Andy nod as I stayed against him.

Kellin just gave a nod in return and signalled for Ashley to follow along as he headed off. Ashley gave me a slight smile.

"Told 'cha you'd find him," he said before rushing off after the captain.

I gave a bit of a smile as I watched everyone mill around, going about their jobs. I looked to Andy who was staring straight ahead of himself, clearly off in his own world. I nudged him in the side, making him flinch and look to me, a smile on his face.

"Let's getcha home, hey?" I said, getting another smile from him.

"Sounds like a plan," he said, leaning down a bit and kissing me gently. He broke away and smiled, moving his hand and taking mine. "Alright sweetheart, let's go hey?"


"So you gonna be goin' to work again soon?" Andy asked as Crow rubbed up against his legs, purring constantly and clearly happy to have his best friend back.

Andy gave a smile and leant down, picking Crow up and hearing as he meowed at him happily, rubbing against him and purring as Andy patted him lovingly.

"I missed you too buddy," Andy said with a smile, playing with Crow the entire time and focusing solely on his cat.

I smiled a bit, watching as Andy bonded with Crow who was clearly happy to have him home after over a week of not seeing him; he'd clearly missed him.

"You tryin' to get rid of me or something?" I asked, seeing as Andy held Crow against him and looked to me, a content look on his face as he hugged Crow; the sadness wasn't present at all in his eyes this time and it was nice to see. "Would've thought you'd wanna spend more time with me after being kidnapped and missing for over a week."

Andy gave me a grin and came over to where I was sitting at the table. He sat down on the chair that was next to me, placing Crow on the table and giving me a smile.

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